Table of Contents

Site Nomination Process for the Evergreen International Conference

1. The Conference

The Evergreen International Conference takes place annually, usually during the month of April. Expected attendance is between 175 and 225 attendees, representing Evergreen users, advocates, vendors, and others interested in Evergreen or open source. A varied multiple-track program is offered, attempting to cover many aspects of Evergreen and to appeal to developers, system administrators, consortium leaders, library directors and managers, and front-end library staff alike.

An attempt will be made to hold the conference in different regions of the United States to enable the widespread Evergreen community a chance to attend. Nominations from outside of the United States are encouraged but the location should appeal and be accessible to a wide number of Evergreen users and supporters.

Past and Present In-person Conference Websites: EG 2009, EG 2010, EG 2011, EG 2012, EG 2014, EG 2015, EG 2016, EG 2017, EG 2018, EG 2019, EG 2023

(The EG 2013 site is no longer available. EG 2020, EG 2021, EG 2022, EG 2024, and EG 2025 were online conferences.)

Hosting a conference

Hosting a conference can be fun and very rewarding, but is also a lot of hard work. There are a number of crucial time-sensitive tasks, such as setting the conference dates and securing a venue, sponsorship recruitment, selecting speakers, and reviewing programs. The final 90 days prior to the conference will be very busy for the Local Arrangements Committee. A conference is also a fiscal commitment that involves building and staying within a very tight budget that allows registration costs to stay reasonable while providing an excellent conference experience for attendees, vendors, and other participants.

The call to host a conference usually goes out approximately 18 months in advance. The criteria and information (outlined below) are requested of all nominations and can be submitted in PDF, Open Office, or any other human-readable format.

2. The Conference Committee

The Conference Committee is comprised of volunteers from the Evergreen community who have had Evergreen Conference planning experience. The Committee both solicits and makes decisions on conference site proposals and plans the annual conferences, assisting a Local Arrangements Committee for the chosen site.

The Committee work begins by sending out requests for Conference hosting proposals. The call goes out on the evergreen-ils mailing lists. The Conference Committee gathers the proposals and ranks them based on:

Conference Committee members receive and review all site submissions individually and then confer to make a final decision. The Committee then awards the conference to the most suitable proposal, usually within 3 weeks of the close date for nominations. Once the host has been determined, the Conference Committee convenes and works with the Local Arrangement Committee to plan the conference and provide regular updates to the Evergreen Project (TEP) Board.

3. The Proposal

(NB: Please be as imaginative as you like in your proposal, the Conference Committee is willing to consider variations on the following requirements as long as reasons for variations are made clear in your proposal.)

Contact Information Required from all Potential Host Sites:

Requirements to be addressed in all Proposals

These requirements should be outlined in as much detail as possible, including contact information for conference centers and hotels, etc. to allow the Conference Committee to investigate and confirm information provided. Proposals should include all likely sites.

Additional Desirable Qualities for Conference Sites

Responsibilities of the Hosting Site

Proposals will include comments on the proposed host's ability to do the following:

Please submit proposals to by Friday, October 26, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. EDT to qualify.

Expectations of the Local Arrangements Committee

The Local Arrangements Committee is responsible for working with the Conference Committee to manage the program and events planning process.

The Local Arrangements Committee should have a minimum of three people who are willing to be responsible for assisting with Programming, Sponsorships, Venue and Entertainment, and Registration. The Local Arrangements Committee should appoint one representative to be the liaison with the Conference Committee.

Typical/Example Conference Schedule

The conference should follow a schedule similar to the one outlined below.

Social Activities have included the following:

4. The Planning

The Conference Committee should strive to stick to the following timeline. This timeline is based on an April conference date and should be adjusted accordingly if the conference is scheduled for a different month.

Year Prior to Conference
Year of Conference

This information was originally established by members of the 2010 Site Nomination Committee, updated by the 2012, 2014, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, and 2025 site selection committees, and maintained by the Conference Committee starting in 2024.