2011 Evergreen International Conference Proposals

This temporary page contains title/description of program proposals for the 2011 Evergreen International Conference. This will be re-created as part of the conference website soon.

Note: submissions here are NOT final!

As of 1/12/11

Justifying and implementing RFID and Other Self Service Solutions for Libraries

Evergreen Coast to Coast:Open Source Library Systems

Getting Involved in Evergreen Documentation

Evergreen DIY

Xen virtualization and multi-brick enviornment experiences

Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey: Successful Development and Implementation

Fine Calculations via PL/pgSQL: A Fine Generator Replacement

What we learned doing OpenSRF via Java

10% Wrong, 90% Done: A Practical Approach to Bibliographic De-duplication

Assembling The Pieces: How To Automate SQL-Generated Reports

Today’s the Day: Checklist for Migration Day

Stay Sane, Find Your Game: Handling Conflicts and Disputes

ILS Migration Project Manager's Jambalaya: 1 part library science, 1 part open source, and a whole lot more!