Evergreen 2.0 Beta3 will be slated for release Monday, November 22.
Mike Rylander says that things are really calming down, with the exception of the ILD2js stuff.
Ben Shum (bshum) notes that there is facet breakage from upgraded 2.0 beta2 and will forward information about this error.
Galen Charlton (gmcharlt) is working on some EDI stuff that is not quite ready for trunk but might be good to roll into 2.0 someday.
Jason Etheridge (phasefx) has been incrementing xulrunner bug fix releases as they occur, within 1.9.2.x, as new staff clients are packaged.
The WSOD (white screen of death) issue has been drastically reduced with improvements made to OPAC code.
Dan Scott to have more authority bug fixes for the next beta.
Mike Rylander requests any reports on success or failure of the 1.6.1-2.0 upgrade script be sent to the developer list and/or opened as a bug ticket on Launchpad.
Ben Shum reports that Internet Explorer crashes on use with the beta1 OPAC. Will test with the beta2 OPAC and open new bug ticket if not resolved.
James Fournie mentions that their 2.0 test server is using PostgreSQL 9.0.1 without issues so far; they are not using the built-in replication/standby yet.
Bill Erickson mentions potential OPAC speed ups in the near future. Ben Shum volunteers to follow up with testing / suggestions for areas to improve OPAC performance.
Bill Erickson asks Mike Rylander & Lebbeous Fogle-Weekly about pcrud/dojo data store work. Mike Rylander replies that it's coming along but not for 2.0.