Idea Bug link Time / timeslot Interested people
Testing & sign-off walkthrough: learn how to help get new code into the next release 1 hour / Morning dbs
Change added content infrastructure to use record ID instead of ISBN; enables richer lookups (by ISSN / UPC / OCLCnum / MusicBrainz etc) 2 hours / Morning dbs, yboston, jamesrf, jeff
Add MusicBrainz as an added content provider 2 hours / Afternoon dbs, yboston, jeff
Add ability to have fallback onto multiple AC providers ? hours / Afternoon jamesrf, jeff, tsbere, yboston
Actually get around to implementing the supersede/deprecate/auto-upgrade db script 2 hours / Afternoon miker
JSPAC vs. TPAC : analysis of features and development (what's still missing?) ? hours / Morning bshum, tsbere
Add Surveys to TPAC ? hours berick(maybe), tsbere(maybe)
Instrument the TPAC 988146 2 hours / afternoon dbs
Write some tests for non-staffclient bits with Selenium jamesrf
Test and merge opensrf java gateway 959441 1 hour / afternoon berick