Table of Contents

Buildbot master and slave

buildbot is a continuous integration server that checks the quality of the OpenSRF and Evergreen build trees after every commit.

The build results are visible at

Setting up the buildbot master

  1. Install buildbot with easy_install buildbot (note that some patches are necessary for improved pylint support)
  2. Create the buildmaster (skip this if you're just setting up a build slave):
    1. adduser buildmaster
    2. su - buildmaster
    3. Initialize the buildmaster directory (where opensrf-build represents the directory of the build instance): buildbot create-master opensrf-build
    4. cp OpenSRF/examples/buildbot.cfg /home/buildmaster/opensrf-build/master.cfg
    5. set slavePortnum

Starting the buildbot master

To start the buildbot master:

  1. su - buildmaster
  2. Start the build instance, where opensrf-build represents the build directory: buildbot start opensrf-build

Setting up the buildbot slave

If you want to contribute a buildbot slave to the testing pool, contact Dan Scott for the port, buildslave name, and buildslave password that you should use to connect to the buildmaster.

Hardware prerequisites

A server with 16 GB of disk space and 512 MB of RAM should be plenty for a buildbot slave.

Firewall prerequisites

Your buildbot slave needs to be able to initiate an outbound connection to a port on, but does not need to allow any inbound connections (other than for your own administrative purposes, naturally!).


  1. Install git - it's a prerequisite for actually running the builds once the slave is up and running.
  2. Download OpenSRF.
    1. (OpenSRF buildslave): Just install the prerequisites from OpenSRF's Makefile.install to satisfy build dependencies.
    2. (Evergreen buildslave): Also configure, build, and install OpenSRF itself.
  3. (Evergreen buildslave): Download Evergreen and install the prerequisites from the Makefile.install
  4. easy_install buildbot-slave
  5. Install pylint (on Debian, "aptitude –without-recommends pylint" to avoid X deps)
  6. Create the buildslave (should be slave specific, like "openslave" or "egslave"):
    1. adduser openslave
    2. su - openslave
    3. buildslave create-slave opensrf-slave localhost:<port-number> opensrf-slave <password>
    4. Edit opensrf-slave/info/admin and change the administrator name / email address to your own
    5. buildslave start opensrf-slave