Table of Contents

Proposal: Use Websocketd for OpenSRF Websocket Gateway

This started as a research project resulting primarily from trying to address LP bug #1774703.

I propose we replace our Apache-driven OpenSRF Websocket handler with a websocketd implementation.

Websocketd is a purpose-built Websockets relay. It handles the Websocket protocol, communicating with back-end handlers via STDIO.



Only concern so far is lack of support for pre-forking backends. Each new WS connection requires an OpenSRF connect on startup. On my test VM this adds roughly 5ms of overhead to the first request.

Quick Setup Guide for NGINX Users

Note that a proxy is not strictly required, because websocketd supports SSL connections, but I prefer to run it behind a proxy.

Install OpenSRF Branch

Check out and install OpenSRF branch user/berick/websocketd-backend @ working normally.;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/berick/websocketd-backend

Install websocketd binary

cd /tmp
wget ''
sudo cp websocketd /usr/local/bin/

Run Websocketd on port 7682

# Stop apache-websockets first since we're reusing the port.
sudo systemctl stop apache2-websockets # or similar

# AS USER opensrf
/usr/local/bin/websocketd --loglevel info --maxforks 250 --port 7682 /openils/bin/osrf-websocket-stdio

# Or optionally override the config file path
/usr/local/bin/websocketd --loglevel info --maxforks 250 --port 7682 /openils/bin/osrf-websocket-stdio /path/to/opensrf_core.xml

# Optionally background the process with a trailing '&'

Full set of command line args at

Modify NGINX to proxy websocketd

Modify /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/osrf-ws-http-proxy.

# Websocketd supports SSL, but I run it in non-SSL mode since it's on the same machine as NGINX.
# Replace https:// with http://
proxy_pass http://localhost:7682;

# Update timeout values within the /osrf-websocket-translator section 
# to disconnect idle clients.
# The osrf-websocket-stdio handler has no idle timeout threads.
# Change to suit
proxy_send_timeout 5m;
proxy_read_timeout 5m;

Restart NGINX:

sudo systemctl restart nginx


Confirm WEBSOCKET_PORT_SSL has the expected value (usually 443) near the top of /openils/var/web/js/dojo/opensrf/opensrf_ws.js

OPTIONAL Running the perl test code

The Perl test script runs a few calls / response loops resulting in several hundred websocket calls.

# beware this installs quite a few modules
sudo cpan Net::Async::WebSocket::Client;
sudo cpan IO::Async::SSL; # for testing full path

cd OpenSRF/src/websocket-stdio
perl wss://localhost:443/osrf-websocket-translator

Testing Evergreen

Log in to the browser client as usual.

Optional Systemd Setup

Websocketd is a standalone program with no daemon mode (not yet anyway). Systemd to the rescue.

Put this content into file /lib/systemd/system/websocketd-osrf.service

Description=Websocketd OpenSRF Gateway

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/websocketd --loglevel error --maxforks 250 --port 7682 /openils/bin/osrf-websocket-stdio

# modify websocketd command line options to taste
# --sameorigin and --origin=domain1,domain2 flags are also supported for security.

# On Ubuntu 18.04, you may also need to include something like this:

Then add & start the service.

# disable apache2-websockets to avoid unintended starts & port conflicts
sudo systemctl disable apache2-websockets

# enable and start websocketd-osrf
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable websocketd-osrf
sudo systemctl start websocketd-osrf