DIG Meeting Agenda - February 10, 2022

This meeting will be held via videoconference beginning at 2pm EDT/ 11am PDT. Current and future DIG participants are encouraged to attend, and any interested members of the Evergreen Community are welcome as well. For updates, notifications, and discussion please sign up for the Evergreen Documentation Discussion List.

Agenda and Minutes

  1. Introductions & Check-in - Andrea B.N., Debbie L., Gina M., Jennifer P., Jennifer W.
  2. Pet Show & Tell - Cats were present!
  3. Collaboration:
    1. looking at the docs and images review spreadsheets
      1. add a notice to the Devs meeting about this project
      2. Maybe think about something like finishing a section of docs and sending out to General quarterly.
      3. We'll pick something at the March meeting, Jennifer P. will blurb and send out
  4. Debbie will check on the previous Zoom meeting recordings and see if those have been processed (probably not) and sent out. Also see if they can be added to the YouTube channel. Jennifer P. will talk to Rogan about making a DIG playlist on the YouTube channel.
  5. DIG needs more docs committers, only Andrea is left atm. Gina will be one. Debbie will ask Blake and Lynn also, then get in touch with the core committers' group about getting them permissions.
  6. March Meeting: Talk about Conference and possible docs-related proposals
  7. April Meeting (Zoom): Andrea and Gina will show off GitLab [or GitHub?] stuff
  8. Next meeting: March 3


At the May 2018 Documentation Interest Group (DIG) meeting in person at the Evergreen International Conference in St. Charles, Missouri, it was agreed that DIG meetings would alternate each month between meetings that were half agenda, half collaboration in one month, and a full meeting length of working on the documentation in the other month.

At the November 2020 DIG meeting on IRC, it was agreed that DIG would move the collaboration/working months to a videoconference platform and continue having the business meetings on IRC.