Table of Contents


Evergreen Reports Interest Group Meeting - 2012 Evergreen International Conference

April 25, 2012; 1:00-2:30

Draft Agenda

Times are approximate

  1. Introductions (1:00-1:10)
  2. About the Reports Taskforce (1:10-1:15)
  3. Template Sharing (Galen Charlton) (1:15-1:30)
  4. How many sites are writing their own SQL reports? (1:30-1:35)
  5. Sharing/Q&A/Divide into topical discussion groups (see below) (1:35-2:10)
  6. Large Group Sharing: highlights of small group discussions (2:10-2:30)

Topical Discussion Group Leader Volunteers

Amy Terlaga, Bibliomation / SQL Reports Discussion

Jessica Venturo, Bibliomation / Sharing Ideas for Staff Client Reports (?)

Topical Discussion Ideas

An opportunity will be provided at the conference for session attendees to suggest topics.

New/Investigating Evergreen

SQL Reports

Reports Documentation (pieces needed, organization)