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Find it at the Library Bookmarklet

Jon Udell created a neat little tool to allow OPAC users to search for library holdings from Amazon. This bookmarklet (which looks like a bookmark, but is actually a piece of JavaScript that builds a URL based on the ISBN scraped from the current Amazon page) resides in the Bookmarks Toolbar (at least in Firefox); to use it, click on the bookmark while viewing a book page in Amazon. See for more details.

Installing the Bookmarklet

To install the bookmarklet, create a new bookmark with the following target. Change the "url_base" to your OPAC's domain, such as "" or "" and place the bookmarklet in the Bookmarks Toolbar. You can also drag one of the links below to the Bookmarks Toolbar.

JavaScript Template:


Example: Georgia PINES


(drag this link to toolbar to install) Find it at a PINES Library!

JS Code:

Example: PINES demo


(drag this link to toolbar to install) Find it in the Evergreen Demo OPAC!