still working on doc…. Classic Circulation

What do you want to Display?

Library Circulation Modifier Legacy Cat 1 Legacy Cat 2 Count

What do you want to Filter?

Library Date = Year and Month

Go to Sources dropdown and select Classic Circulations View Click on Classic Circulations View to fill in Field Names

For Display:

For Library: Under Field Name, click on Library Circulation Location Short (Policy) Name and Add Selected Fields, leave as Raw Data transform

For Circulation Modifier: Under Field Name, click on Circulation Modifier and Add Selected Fields

Note: If you want all upper case and lower case circ modifiers to be grouped together, then highlight Circulation Modifier under Display Name; click on Change Transform dropdown, and select Upper Case

For Legacy Cat1: Under Field Name, click on Legacy Cat1 Value and Add Selected Fields

For Legacy Cat2: Under Field Name, click on Legacy Cat2 Value and Add Selected Fields

For Count: Under Field Name, click on Circulation and under Field Transform, click on Count Distinct and then Add Selected Fields

For Filters:

Click on Base Filters under Template Configuration

For Library: 1. Under Field Name, click on Library Circulation Link and Add Selected Fields. 2. Under Template Configuration, highlight Library Circulation Link, click on Change Operator and select “In List”. Note: This will give you a list of libraries to select from when running a report off of the template

For Date:

 1.  Under Field Name, click on Circulation Date/Time
 2.  Under Field Transform, Year +Month and Add Selected Fields

Click on Save

Advanced Classic Circulation Template tips:

If you want to filter by Call Number/Prefix: example - give me circulation count on all items that begin with a call number prefix of LP for Large Print items. Under Field Name, click on Call Number Dewey/Prefix, Add Selected Item ??You may enter a value? Or do they just enter LPspace and LP ] when running report? Look into creating operator of Range Call Number Label would be used if you want to display the call number.

If you want to filter by individual Legacy Cat1 or Legacy Cat2’s: example – give me circs on all mysteries only. Under Field Name, click on Legacy Cat1 Link

If you want an output of circulations broken down by the Dewey decimal in the hundreds, then select Dewey Block Hundreds for the display. If you want to filter by

Circulation with Renewals Template

Clone the Monthly Circ by Circulation Modifier located under the Shared Folders -> admin->Core PINES Templates-> Circulation (PINES)

Select a folder that will contain this template.

Rename the Template Name and add to the Description to indicate Renewals will be included.

Under Circulation Template Type go to Circulation->Circulation Type->Circulation Type and click on Circulation Type.

A window will pop up for Display Items. Select how this field should be displayed as Raw Data.

Click on Add Item and Close Window.

Click on Save Template.

Items in Transit to Your library Template

Create a Template Folder of Transits Go to Transits Folder and select Create a Template for this Folder Give the template a name and Description Select Copy Transit for Template Type

Select Destination-> Short (Policy) Name Under Display Items, select Raw Data and click on Add Item and Close Window

Select Destination->Organizational Unit ID Click on Filters Choose a Transform: Raw Data Choose a Filter: In List Click on Create Filter and Close Window

Select Source->Short (Policy) Name Under Display Items, select Raw Data, Add Item, and Close Window

Select Send/Date Time For Display Items, leave as Raw Data and click on Add Items Within the same window, click on Filters Choose a Transform of Date Choose a Filter: Between Click on Create Filter and Close Window

Select Transitted Copy-> Barcode Under Display Items, leave as Raw Data, click on Add Item and Close Window

Select Transitted Copy->CallNumber/Volume_>Bib Record->Bib Record->Simple Record Extracts->Title Proper (normalized) Under Display Item, keep as Raw Data, click on Add Item, and close window

Select Destination ->Receive Date/Time and Filter as Raw Data -> Is Null

Purchase Alert Template

The output columns are:

Hold Request:Hold ID [Count]
Hold Request:Hold User:Home Library:Short (Policy) Name [raw]
Hold Request:Bib Record Link:Target Bib Record:Simple Record Extracts :Title Proper (normalized) [raw]
Hold Request:Bib Record Link:Target Bib Record:Simple Record Extracts :Author (normalized) [raw]

and the filters are:

Hold Request:Fulfillment Date/Time [raw -> Is NULL]
Hold Request:Hold User:Home Library:Organizational Unit ID [raw -> In List]

and it would be smart to add

Hold Request:Hold Cancel Date/Time [raw -> Is NULL]

so you don't get canceled holds in there. You can add an Aggregate Filter to trim the low-holds titles. I would suggest:

Hold Request:Hold ID [Aggregate Filter: Count -> Greater than or equal to]

and then you'd be asked for a minimum number when creating a report from the template.