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OBJECT style Slot methods

Uses the Slot in Single Object mode, storing a single object in the Slot.

The OBJECT API-Namespace is useful for globally caching unique objects.

opensrf.persist.object.set( slot_name, object )

Sets the value of a Slot. If the Slot has been used in STACK or QUEUE mode and <b>opensrf.persist.object.set</b> is called then all objects currently in the Slot will be lost.

opensrf.persist.object.get( slot_name )

Removes and returns the value in an OBJECT type Slot.

opensrf.persist.object.peek( slot_name )

Returns the value in an OBJECT type Slot <u>without</u> removing it.

opensrf.persist.object.size( slot_name )

Returns the number bytes taken up by the JSON encoded version of the object in the OBJECT type Slot.