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Evergreen Outreach Committee March 25, 2016

ALA Meeting

Kathy has submitted an application for meeting space on the afternoon of Saturday, June 25. She hasn't yet heard from ALA when the meeting will be. Once she has further details, she will post the information to the list, find out who else will be going to ALA and wants to help with the program, and begin pulling some content together for the meeting.

Conference kit for Evergreen - Ruth shared a link to a Google doc with brainstorming ideas on what should be included in an outreach kit. Outreach committee members should review the kit and add feedback to the Google doc. For printables, Rogan and Ruth said they thought a full sheet handout was not needed since we would creating a half-sheet postcard handout and the annual report. Others agreed, and the consensus was to forgo a full sheet handout. Rogan and Ruth said they could create a mockup for the half-sheet postcard and share with the remainder of the group for feedback.

Kathy noted she mentioned the funding issue at the Oversight Board meeting last week, and Grace added an action item to place an item for discussion on the agenda for the on-site conference Oversight Board meeting.

She also has an action item to do an informal poll of the community to find out which conferences people are attending. However, she wants to hold off until after the survey for the annual report is done.

Annual Report

Rogan shared a link to the first draft of a survey to gather information for the annual report - The survey will be shared via the list, social media sites, and by direct contact to those we don't think will be reached via these other methods. For consortia, we want one person from the consortium to answer the questions rather than trying to get individual libraries to fill out the survey. We'll have a place for libraries and consortia to identify themselves, and if we notice duplicate submissions coming from the same site, we can filter them out. Outreach committee members should get any additional feedback to Rogan by the end of the week, and we'll launch the survey on Monday of next week. We should leave the survey open for two weeks.

Kathy has not yet had a chance to pull together additional content for the report. She said she would like to highlight community activities during the report period, including information on the releases from 2015, the number of people who contributed code and documentation, pictures from the conference and hack-a-way, new contributors, etc. Rogan noted that some nice graphics have previously been used during the dev updates at the conference. Kathy thought some of those graphics came from OpenHub - (link courtesy of Grace)

Press release for 2.10 release

Kathy wrote up a press release for the 2.10 release that is available at She'll send it to the Board after today's call and then send it to press contacts by the end of the day. Please send along any suggested changes before day's end. Galen has also started working on a publicity checklist for posting / sending press releases whenever there is a major or minor release.


Amy asked if the Outreach group had any plans for the Evergreen conference. Kathy noted that we want the annual report completed by the time of the conference, at least in an online form. If there is time, we might be able to print up some copies, but it would require a vote from the Oversight Board to spend the funds. We might also want to include Outreach activities in the Oversight Board update at the conference. Kathy said she could send a report on the year's activities along to the Board.

Amy will send out a Doodle poll to schedule a call during the 2nd week of April.