Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting August 5th, 2019 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific

Google hangout link: https://meet.google.com/oip-dwca-bpc

Or, join by phone: ‪+1 337-441-4148‬ PIN: ‪125 363 025‬#

We only had a couple of folks last month due to various schedules so we are carrying over the agenda from last month.


* 2018 Annual Report - (Rogan/Andrea update) - On hiatus. Will start up review of 2018 report / planning for 2019 report in October of 2019.

* Contributor of the Month (Andrea update) Nominations Here

* Press releases (Ron)

* ALA Meetup (Amy & Debbie): After action and upcoming?

* I am Evergreen (Rogan): An alpha version of Meg's video is here. I will endeavor to get a similar alpha version of Scott's done by next month.

* Conference Merchandise (Debbie)

* Social Media (Rogan): A tweet a day can be challenge so if anyone has content to forward it would be welcomed, otherwise business as usual.

* Budget: The board is organizing a small working group to look at the recommendation. No date yet for when they want the budget by.

New Business

* Moving rest of T-shirt inventory, making T-shirts annual and order one demand only. Redbubble store? https://help.redbubble.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001239686-Ethical-Policy, significantly cheaper than Zazzle as we can control our margins, set them as near to zero as possible.

TUTCCF - Tabled Until Torch Carrier Comes Forward :

* Web site refresh

* Community Ambassadors