Table of Contents

Community Input, Feedback, and Surveys

Goals and Methods of Community Input Solicitation

Community Website Survey 1 - Draft

We discussed having a general survey applicable to most members of the community and having targeted conversations with key groups within the community (Report Task Force, Doc Interest Grp, Developer Community, etc.)

One of the major classes/divisions of website visitors that we've already determined is that of Potential Implementers vs. Existing Users/Devs/Admins. We obviously can't expect significant input from the Potential Implementers group, so the feedback we get from this survey should be used to prioritize features/content for the Existing Community Member group.

Draft SurveyMonkey Survey

Possible survey mechanisms:

Since we're considering basic strategic goals at this point, I suggest we survey on some big-picture topics and put them in user-feature terms.

Other potential survey questions based on user roles:

1. What roles do you play on your Evergreen project? (check all that apply)

2. Do you subscribe to any of the following lists? (check all that apply)

3. Have you contributed content to

4. What types of content do you most often access on (Check all that apply)

5. Were you able to find what you were looking for on

6. Based on the user stories developed by the web team, what do you feel are the most important functions of the site? (1 – Very Important, 2 – Important, 3 – Nice to Have, 4 – Extraneous))
