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PostgreSQL can be downloaded from

Latest tests were performed with postgresql-8.0.3. Below are the install steps we followed. Naturally replace /opt with the directory you wish to install postgres into.

 user$ su
 bash# ./configure --prefix=/opt --with-perl --with-openssl && make && make install
 bash# cd /opt/
 bash# mkdir data
 bash# chown postgres:postgres /opt/data
 bash# su postgres
 postgres$ bin/initdb -D data -E UNICODE --locale=C 
 postgres$ nano -w data/postgresql.conf
     - set listen_address ='localhost'
 postgres$ bin/pg_ctl -D data -l /my/logs/postgres.log start
 postgres$ exit
 bash# cd /path/to/postgres_src/contrib && make && make install
 bash# cd /opt && PGUSER=postgres PGDATABASE=template1 bin/psql
 pg# \i /opt/share/postgresql/contrib/tsearch2.sql  	
 pg# \i /opt/share/postgresql/contrib/tablefunc.sql
 pg# \q
 bash# PGUSER=postgres bin/createlang plpgsql -d template1
 bash# PGUSER=postgres bin/createdb demo-dev
 bash# PGUSER=postgres bin/createlang plperl -d demo-dev
 bash# PGUSER=postgres bin/createlang plperlu -d demo-dev

At some point, you'll also want to change your postgres password (postgres user, not system user). Make sure to save it since you'll need it later in the install.

 bash# su postgres
 bash# bin/psql
 bash# alter user postgres password 'my password';