User Comments

There are a number of software packages the OpenILS depends on. Below is a short list. Continue on in this section for a more detailed discussion of the installing some of the more complex prerequisites. In most cases, we try to keep prerequisite installations as simple as possible. Aficionados may wish to configure prerequisites differently.

  1. libxml2
  2. libxslt
  3. memcached
  4. yaz-2.0.x
  5. aspell + dictionary (e.g. aspell-en)
  6. Judy libraries
  7. GD Graphics Library
  8. Apache 2.0.x
  9. mod_perl2
  10. PostgreSQL
  11. A Bundle of Perl Modules
    1. libwww-perl
    2. Error
    3. XML::LibXML
    4. XML::LibXSLT
    5. Net::Server::PreFork
    6. Cache::Memcached
    7. Class::DBI
    8. Class::DBI::AbstractSearch
    9. Template
    10. DBD::Pg
    11. Net::Z3950
    12. MARC::Record (do not instll MARC::File:XML, a custom one is bundled with OpenILS)
    13. MARC::Charset
    14. Text::Aspell
    15. CGI (must be CGI-3.10 or similar to work with latest mod_perl2)
    16. DateTime::TimeZone
    17. DateTime
    18. DateTime::Format::ISO8601
    19. Unix::Syslog
    20. GD::Graph3d
    21. UNIVERSAL::require