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Ubuntu 8.04 / Evergreen VMWare image

Download the image: Ubuntu 8.04 (523 MB)

The Evergreen on Ubuntu 8.04 VMWare image was built following the documentation at:

This image comes with no preloaded data. It is a blank slate for you to play with.

Hardware requirements

I have been running this VMWare image on a laptop with 1.5GB of RAM. Any workstation with 1GB of RAM or more should be sufficient to run this VMWare image (the VMWare image itself only requires 512 MB of RAM).

Getting started

  1. Download and install a VMWare product from Player and VMWare Server are both free downloads) onto your system.
  2. Extract the zipped Evergreen Ubuntu VMWare image onto your hard drive to create a new directory, Ubuntu804.
  3. In the VMWare product, open the VMWare image by pointing to the Ubuntu804/Other Linux 2.6.x kernel.vmx file found in the unzipped directory. Your Ubuntu Linux operating system should begin booting up, eventually presenting you with a login prompt.

To log in

This is an Ubuntu 8.04 system with all of the Evergreen development dependencies installed. The Ubuntu packages were upgraded 2008/09/25, and the Perl CPAN modules were last updated 2008/09/25. This image was built with Evergreen

Check your IP address

To find out what your IP address is for this virtual machine:

(evergreen) $ /sbin/ifconfig

You will see something like:

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:41:54:6B:FF
          inet addr: 

The number following 'inet addr:' is your IP address. You must use the IP address for the eth0 or eth1 adapter, the lo adapter is a loopback connection that can accept no connection outside of the VMWare image.

If you do not have an IP address, try running the following commands:

$ sudo rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
$ sudo reboot

This will reboot the Ubuntu VMWare image and force it to create new network bindings. You may need to restart the network before you are able to get an IP address by running the following command:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

To start Evergreen

(evergreen) # sudo su - opensrf
(opensrf) $ cd /openils/bin
(opensrf) $ -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a start_router
(opensrf) $ -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a start_perl
(opensrf) $ -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -a start_c
(opensrf) $ --daemon

Once the services are up and running, switch to a new virtual terminal with ALT-F2, login, and start Apache:

(evergreen) $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start

You can then open up that IP address in the browser on your host machine to see the beautiful default Evergreen catalog interface.

To start the staff client

You can launch the staff client on your host operating system by pointing to that IP address and using 'admin' as the username and 'open-ils' as the password.

To run the staff client on a Windows host, download the Windows version of the staff client from

You can also use the Windows version of the staff client if you issue the following commands:

$ cd /openils/var/web/xul
$ sudo ln -sf rel_1_2_3_0 rel_1_2_3_1


Questions about Evergreen or this image? Contact the open-ils-general mailing list:

Dan Scott - (but *please* send questions to the mailing list!) Laurentian University