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This page has been deprecated.

Please install a more recent supported version of Evergreen using the instructions referenced on this page:

Installing Evergreen ILS on Gentoo

Only ever tried this on 64bits, it will likely work on 32bits as well.

Then Evergreen make files for installation doesn't cover Gentoo and there are some emerge, g-cpan specifics that need to be executed to successfully install. At this time no effort as been made to improve the make file for Gentoo.

Scripts in use at Edoceo to create and operate an Evergreen Demo can be found at which is targeted specifically for Gentoo. Details missing from this documentation are made explicit in those scripts.


Lots of things to get installed before OpenSRF and Evergreen ILS can be installed, here is a short list:

* dev-python/setuptools * dev-libs/libxml2 * dev-perl/Net-DNS

Follow the standard source build instructions here to git-clone, configure make and make install. Remember to create the proper users (opensrf) and set the directory permissions.

Configure takes a special incantation on Gentoo:

  ./configure \
      --prefix=/openils \
      --disable-java \
      --disable-python \
      --disable-chopchop \
      --with-apr=/usr/include/apr-1 \
      --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs2 \

See Also

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