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3.4 Feedback Fest #1 — 20 to 24 May 2019

How to contribute to the feedback fest

The goal of the fest is to give feedback on each and every outstanding pull request. Feedback can take many forms, including:

  • rebasing older pull request branches against the current master
  • commenting on the bug and the proposed patches
  • deciding if the bug no longer applies
  • testing and signing off on the patches
  • writing automated test cases for pull requests that need them
  • writing human test plans
  • writing release notes entries

While some or many of the pull requests will hopefully get signed off and merged during the fest, the primary goal is advancing each and every pull request by providing feedback.

Open pull requests (without signoffs) as of 16 May 2019

Bug # Title Comments
#1068287 proposal for new "pre-cat" EG permission
#1133464 Use cover image/blurb URL from field 856
#1155706 Avoid Internal Server Errors with Hold Count Calculation/Display
#1325704 Correction to long overdue documentation and settings
#1329920 Distribution Formulas do not display fund year in parenthesis
#1335668 Change functionality of the ACQ transfer fund action
#1340892 Easy to break marc templates in the config file
#1411819 Allow patron renewal on max fines for some libraries, disallow it for others
#1418694 ACQ: Within Selection List, "Save Items to Selection List" moves, not copies, lineitem(s) to another selection list
#1424815 Wishlist: Add a “read more” feature to the OPAC bib record view for fields with lots of text
#1441750 Go to string_agg (again)
#1444644 Copy Import Development
#1487123 Docs: Use asciidoc attributes for upgrade docs to simplify updating
#1511765 Checking in migrated lost status copies and Lost/Long Overdue/Lost and Paid copies with no associated circ generates error when zero-balance lost OU setting is enabled
#1528616 staff login for selfcheck allows OPAC account access
#1538678 webclient: No warning prompt when leaving MARC editor without saving
#1552409 Invent a page in the OPAC for redirection to referring URL based authentication on external services such as EBSCO
#1559239 XSS via window.opener
#1560805 webclient: locale picker does not work well
#1562061 Marking a Long Overdue transaction Lost adds a second bill to the patron record
#1616501 Stop waiting for method response when browser disconnects
#1622358 Keyboard shortcuts in the Web staff client not noted within menus
#1634244 ACQ: deleting bib records does not check active/pending orders
#1642337 Web Staff Client - Boolean Filters in Reporter
#1657171 ASCII apostrophe and Unicode right single quotation mark should be normalized
#1669120 Web Client: Unnecessary scrolling required in some dropdowns
#1672346 Wishlist: Reporter Copy Statistics View
#1674364 html item feeds - cover art lookup based off of ISBN
#1681930 fm_IDL reporter::xact_billing_totals incorrect column type
#1683385 Webstaff grid could be smarter in IDL mode
#1693580 web client: attempting to update a MARC record without required permissions fails without feedback to the user
#1704819 Fine generator can generate overdue fines beyond max-fine amount (rounding error)
#1710293 Remaining chunk/bundle work
#1711128 OverDrive API display of Always Available Titles
#1712644 Web Client: Can Check Out with Due Date in the Past
#1713138 EDIReader unable to extract some vendcodes
#1715396 auth_proxy, native login fails when LDAP unavailable
#1717366 Web client- LSE Toggle off the patron summary sidebar after first view
#1717996 web client: better label for 'publicly visible' buckets
#1721036 Add the ability for copy tags to be links
#1728331 It's difficult to pull a single day's events with
#1729435 Web Client: Bill Full Details - can't save column configuration
#1729889 Looks like an MD5 hash of a password field is being displayed in record holds grid
#1731021 Enhance SIP support for fine item detail
#1731370 Webstaff UI issue in the volume/copy editor
#1735754 The advanced search screen uses HTML valign attribute to format content
#1735768 input fields in the public catalog often have no description
#1735847 Default hold transit slip should not include patron information
#1736967 don't use primary for "a" css styling
#1738238 Hatch docs: Support Fedora workstations
#1741980 Copy Tag names not displayed in OPAC
#1741997 additional browse improvements
#1742523 Web Client: The Mark Damaged Popup has untranslateable strings
#1744341 Long-frozen holds skew hold queue position calculation
#1744762 Lineitems by Bib only supports filtering a single state
#1747542 Circulation limit set test is not accounting for lost/longoverdue and paid items
#1748265 SMS Carrier not available as a column option in the web client
#1748277 Patron Registration long Field Documentation display issue
#1751800 web client: reports - column labels spontaneously re-sort when deleting template fields
#1752334 OpenILS::Utils::BadContact->mark_users_contact_invalid ignores additional note argument
#1754110 Wishlist: Patron Reg. Field Label Override
#1756142 Failure to display large report schedule/template folders
#1756564 Wishlist: add booking resource types and resources to concerto data set
#1759864 Mark Item Damaged from Holding View Fails
#1760893 webclient: add volume - parts order
#1761142 Volume Copy Editor Changed Fields Hard to Discern
#1761222 Web Client: More Options needed for Holdings View Column Picker
#1765434 Web client purchase order, browser refresh closes the purchase order
#1768022 Webclient Holds Pull List Returns 0 Results
#1768869 Keeping auditor tables up to date after source tables change
#1768987 24-sql-gettext-unique.t will fail if not run from perlmods directory.
#1770212 webstaff: EXPAND_WEB_IMPORTS = 0 no longer works
#1772028 Missing db functions in 3.0.1-3.0.2 upgrade script
#1772680 RBdigital integration
#1774707 Columns don't save on patron's Group Member Details grid
#1775639 webclient: Refresh required to see Patron Credit
#1775870 Web client - random sort order of spine labels in preview & printed out
#1775920 Web Client: Item Status Detail View Missing "Show" Actions
#1776003 The 007 Physical Characteristics Wizard should list characters as well as descriptions in the dropdown menus
#1776913 Rename menu item "Circ Limit Sets" to "Circulation Limit Sets" under Local Admin
#1776954 Zotero fails to capture metadata
#1778063 Web client forms need autocomplete and autocapitalize attributes
#1778414 The catalog menu should include Item Status
#1778712 Docs: Replace screenshots in "Circulating Items" chapter
#1778783 open-ils.circ.checkout.full log_me() uses legacy arg for copy barcode
#1778955 Use builtin array_remove() function rather than our custom version
#1779319 Add ISBN subfield q to record summary.
#1785061 web client reporter: can't hard code a list of filter values
#1786552 LDAP: Bind user option
#1788260 reporter: action.all_circulations_combined_types should break out non-cat in-house-use
#1788485 Batch Actions: issues with basket actions
#1789679 Supply subtotal and grand total rows in reports that use aggregate functions
#1790231 Subject heading link includes non-exact matches
#1794884 SRU/Z39.50 results can include non-OPAC-visible holdings
#1795906 Bring parity to the estimated queue position in OPAC and Record -> View Holds UIs
#1795937 Replace favicon with new logo
#1796903 Make the angularjs date picker calendar button more accessible
#1796914 The menu in top right corner of Web client should have a name
#1796936 eg-grid row selection checkboxes should have aria-labels
#1796942 SIP2 payments with payment type 01 ("VISA") are recorded as cash
#1796945 Report templates cloned from those created on XUL client causing error or producing different results
#1797973 Webstaff - eg-org-selector directive's input will stretch to fill page width
#1798187 Item status -- Barcodes with initial or trailing spaces fail silently when in txt file
#1799272 SIP2 Hold Items Count Includes Unavailable Holds
#1800484 Money summary is missing on user Bills tab when no transactions are open
#1800871 MARC21slim2MADS.xsl error processing 755 source
#1801163 SendEmail A/T reactor broken for recent version of Encode::MIME::Header
#1802166 Preferred Name and Keywords Stay After Purging Patron
#1802593 AngularJS web client has invalid lang attributes
#1802682 web client doesn't respect Default Net Access Level OUS
#1802952 Auto suggest not accounting for located URI (electronic) record visibility
#1803584 Clear button does not work for Holdings Template Editor
#1803787 new Angular eg-grid doesn't include right click Actions menu
#1803790 Re-alphabetize Local & Server Administration links
#1806783 Offline: Non-cataloged types do not print description
#1807998 seed data for Currency Types has wrong code for Canadian Dollars
#1810296 Selfcheck: require password setting is ignored if set to "False"
#1811132 Wishlist - New Payment Type "Debit"
#1811696 Add option to rebuild reporter.materialized_simple_record to
#1811898 DDC call numbers with long subdivisions not printing correctly
#1812241 YAOUS for when no 856$z is present
#1812900 Workstation setting cat.copy.defaults not sticky
#1813191 Move calculated dewey ranges/blocks to their own reporting view
#1813225 Link Billing Location to Library Information page
#1815229 auth_proxy should have a "bail on fail" option
#1816480 Angular and Angularjs grids should adhere to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for grids as much as possible
#1816679 Supply select values for "Match Set Type" in new Angular Vandelay
#1817332 Document examples of valid lib.timezone setting values
#1817601 MARC Flat Text Editor should also use fixed-width font
#1817645 Configurable patron auth and retrieval
#1817932 Update Hatch Java / Javafx versions
#1818581 Action Trigger for Fine Limit Exceeded
#1819181 Can't set an Example for Date of Birth in Patron Registration
#1819540 Web client: Show Clearable holds list shows holds that can not be Cleared with the "Clear these holds" process.
#1821032 compare_array implementation is confusing
#1821094 Item status refresh after editing can get confusingly slow
#1822414 The Angular datepicker in the fmeditor does not go into read-only mode
#1822630 OPAC is vulnerable to Cross-site scripting attacks.
#1823041 Angular dialogs should limit promise rejections to error conditions
#1823255 Optionally require ident_value
#1823393 Port Org Unit Type editor to Angular / FM Editor Translate Buttons
#1823981 Port Permission Group Admin Page to Angular
#1823983 Action triggers repeat_delay looking at unrelated events
#1824391 Hatch native print-to-file support
#1825851 Server-generated print templates
#1825896 EG/Hatch options for improved browser data-clearing resiliency
#1826584 continue past alert and confirm dialogs with keyboard space or enter
#1827250 Holds not displaying in web client Holds Shelf
#1828456 AuthProxy native login fails if username begins with a number


dev/3.4/feedback_fest_1.1558019271.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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