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May 14th, 2024 Developer Meeting

Date: 14 May 2024

Time: 3:00 pm Eastern / 12:00 pm Pacific

Location: #evergreen IRC channel on Libera

Action Items from Last Meeting

  • gmcharlt - create a Git commit message type and update bug 2051946
  • mmorgan will explore moving LP stats to community site and automating same
  • Bmagic will write announcement+blog post for deprecation of open-ils.circ.title_hold.is_possible and open-ils.circ.holds.create[.override]
  • JBoyer will throw a branch on lp 1017990 to loudly inform the logs something is still calling that ^
  • eeevil will open a bug for cross-column stats targets


Release info









Launchpad Status (as of noon Eastern)

  • Open Bugs - 3087
  • Pullrequests - 88
  • Signedoff - 8
Updates Since Last Meeting
  • Bugs Added - 47
  • Pullrequest tag Added - 30
  • Signedoff tag Added - 22
  • Fix Committed - 36

New Business

  • LP#2042158 - should we recommend disabling Postgres JIT?
  • commit formatting and "infrastructure" commits (see discussion in LP#2039609)
    • Should LP bug references be required in commit messages?
    • When changing shared components to support a new feature, should the changes be tagged with the LP bug of the feature request?
    • Large monolithic commits vs. multiple smaller commits - do we have a preference?
    • other standards for commit messages


dev/meetings/2024-05-14.1715703856.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/14 12:24 by mmorgan

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