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miker, cutting a release from git

  1. Create a branch:
    $ git checkout -b rel_2_0_7 origin/rel_2_0
  2. bump version numbers
  3. create changelog, for example:
    miker@foolery:~/git/ILS-2.1 (rel_2_1)$ git log --pretty --numstat --summary b262c54e835a29ea75f22fc661eddd7637ae75aa | ~/bin/git2cl > ChangeLog

    and commit it

  4. push release branch to origin
  5. checkout the branch, if not already
  6. git archive –prefix=Evergreen-ILS-<version>/ <this-branch> | (cd ../release/ && tar xvf -)
  7. cd ../release/Evergreen-ILS-<version>/
  8. ./
  9. cd build/i18n/
  10. make install_all_locales
  11. cd .. && rm -rf i18n
  12. cd ../Open-ILS/web/js/dojo/
  13. for i in dojo dojox dijit; do cp -R ../../../../../Evergreen-ILS-2.0.5/Open-ILS/web/js/dojo/$i .
  14. cd ../../../../../
  15. tar zcvf Evergreen-ILS-2.1-RC1.tar.gz Evergreen-ILS-2.1-RC1/
  16. md5sum Evergreen-ILS-2.1-RC1.tar.gz > Evergreen-ILS-2.1-RC1.tar.gz.md5sum
  17. cp Evergreen-ILS-2.1-RC1/ChangeLog ChangeLog-2.1_beta1-2.1_rc1
  18. scp ChangeLog-2.1_beta1-2.1_rc1 Evergreen-ILS-2.1-RC1.tar.gz*
  19. put the above into the correct download dir
dev/releases/from_git/miker.1309276101.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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