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Example: Adding a Material Type (947$t) facet index

First, every database script should perform its work inside a transaction. This is to protect the consistency of the data and avoid partial implementation of desired changes in the case of an error.


Now we need to add the indexing definition:

INSERT INTO config.metabib_field (field_class, name, xpath, format, label, search_field, facet_field) VALUES (
  'identifier',                                                -- The class to which this definition will belong
  'mattype',                                                   -- The symbolic name of the definition within the class
  $$//marc:datafield[@tag="947"]/marc:subfield[@code="t"]$$,   -- The XPath expression which will extract the desired data from the MARCXML
  'marcxml',                                                   -- The format in which we will process the XPath for this definition
  'Material Type',                                             -- The translatable label used for this definition in user interfaces
  FALSE,                                                       -- Mark this definition as NOT search-oriented
  TRUE                                                         -- Mark this definition as a facet-oriented index

Allowing the default id value to be set by the database gives us the ability to use the CURRVAL() function for the auto-incrementing sequence that fills in the id. We can use this when populating the normalization map and the index table with data from the MARC record:

INSERT INTO config.metabib_field_index_norm_map (FIELD, norm, pos)
  SELECT  CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass),  -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above
,                                            -- The ids of the normalizers we care about
          -3                                                 -- Ordering of normalizer application -- this one first
    FROM  config.index_normalizer AS cin  -- Table defining normalizer functions
    WHERE = 'Up-case';           -- The normalizers we care about for this field
INSERT INTO config.metabib_field_index_norm_map (FIELD, norm, params, pos)
  SELECT  CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass),  -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above
,                                            -- The ids of the normalizers we care about
          '["[",""]',                                        -- Parameters for the Replace function -- replace "[" with the empty string
          -2                                                 -- Ordering of normalizer application -- this one second
    FROM  config.index_normalizer AS cin  -- Table defining normalizer functions
    WHERE = 'Replace';           -- The normalizers we care about for this field
INSERT INTO config.metabib_field_index_norm_map (FIELD, norm, params, pos)
  SELECT  CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass),  -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above
,                                            -- The ids of the normalizers we care about
          '["]",""]',                                        -- Parameters for the Replace function -- replace "]" with the empty string
          -1                                                 -- Ordering of normalizer application -- this one third
    FROM  config.index_normalizer AS cin  -- Table defining normalizer functions
    WHERE = 'Replace';           -- The normalizers we care about for this field

In order to avoid reindexing the entire bibliographic data set for all index definitions when simply adding a new definition, it is best to backfill the index table for the new definition. This is done by pulling data from the existing, flattened MARC data:

INSERT INTO metabib.facet_entry (FIELD, SOURCE, VALUE)
  SELECT  CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass),  -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above
          mfr.record,                                        -- The source MARC record from which the data will be extracted
          UPPERCASE(BTRIM(VALUE,'[]'))                       -- Normalize 947$t data using the same logic as the defined above for initial index population
    FROM  metabib.real_full_rec AS mfr        -- The internal table holding a flattened version of the bibliographic record
    WHERE mfr.tag = '947' AND subfield = 't'; -- Include only subfield t from 947 tags

If an alias is desired for targeting exactly this field in SRU and Z39.50 searches, that can be added as well:

INSERT INTO config.metabib_search_alias (alias, field_class, FIELD) VALUES (
  'eg.mattype',                                     -- Alias to accept in SRU/CQL queries, and to map in Z39.50 settings
  'identifier',                                     -- The search class to which the definition belongs
  CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass)  -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above

The only thing left to do is have the database commit the transaction wrapping all of these commands. The final script thus ends up as:

INSERT INTO config.metabib_field (field_class, name, xpath, format, label, search_field, facet_field) VALUES (
  'identifier',                                                -- The class to which this definition will belong
  'mattype',                                                   -- The symbolic name of the definition within the class
  $$//marc:datafield[@tag="947"]/marc:subfield[@code="t"]$$,   -- The XPath expression which will extract the desired data from the MARCXML
  'marcxml',                                                   -- The format in which we will process the XPath for this definition
  'Material Type',                                             -- The translatable label used for this definition in user interfaces
  FALSE,                                                       -- Mark this definition as NOT search-oriented
  TRUE                                                         -- Mark this definition as a facet-oriented index
INSERT INTO config.metabib_field_index_norm_map (FIELD, norm, pos)
  SELECT  CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass),  -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above
,                                            -- The ids of the normalizers we care about
          -3                                                 -- Ordering of normalizer application -- this one first
    FROM  config.index_normalizer AS cin  -- Table defining normalizer functions
    WHERE = 'Up-case';           -- The normalizers we care about for this field
INSERT INTO config.metabib_field_index_norm_map (FIELD, norm, params, pos)
  SELECT  CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass),  -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above
,                                            -- The ids of the normalizers we care about
          '["[",""]',                                        -- Parameters for the Replace function -- replace "[" with the empty string
          -2                                                 -- Ordering of normalizer application -- this one second
    FROM  config.index_normalizer AS cin  -- Table defining normalizer functions
    WHERE = 'Replace';           -- The normalizers we care about for this field
INSERT INTO config.metabib_field_index_norm_map (FIELD, norm, params, pos)
  SELECT  CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass),  -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above
,                                            -- The ids of the normalizers we care about
          '["]",""]',                                        -- Parameters for the Replace function -- replace "]" with the empty string
          -1                                                 -- Ordering of normalizer application -- this one third
    FROM  config.index_normalizer AS cin  -- Table defining normalizer functions
    WHERE = 'Replace';           -- The normalizers we care about for this field
INSERT INTO metabib.facet_entry (FIELD, SOURCE, VALUE)
  SELECT  CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass),  -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above
          mfr.record,                                        -- The source MARC record from which the data will be extracted
          UPPERCASE(BTRIM(VALUE,'[]'))                       -- Normalize 947$t data using the same logic as the defined above for initial index population
    FROM  metabib.real_full_rec AS mfr        -- The internal table holding a flattened version of the bibliographic record
    WHERE mfr.tag = '947' AND subfield = 't'; -- Include only subfield t from 947 tags
INSERT INTO config.metabib_search_alias (alias, field_class, FIELD) VALUES (
  'eg.mattype',                                     -- Alias to accept in SRU/CQL queries, and to map in Z39.50 settings
  'identifier',                                     -- The search class to which the definition belongs
  CURRVAL('config.metabib_field_id_seq'::regclass)  -- Returns the id of the indexing definition inserted above
documentation/facet_idx_def_example.1279116767.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:33 (external edit)

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