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Travel, Hotel, Roommates, Etc.


  • The nearest major airport is Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL).

Hotels and Driving Instructions

  • Hotels and driving directions Note: Gameday will release its rooms April 24 – the other hotels released their rooms April 19. Don't wait on getting a room!

Airport Shuttles from Hartsfield (Atlanta) Airport to Athens

  • AAA Airport Express is one locals have had good experience with. It's $45 each way. 1-800-354-7874 or 404-767-2000 to make a reservation.

It's about an hour, straight shot, from ATL to Athens – more so in rush hour. Don't forget that Friday is the start of a holiday weekend, and plan your return accordingly!

Parking at the Classic Center (and around Athens)

Day parking for attendees is free at the Classic Center, through an arrangement made by the conference committee. However, you can't park there overnight.

Need a Ride, Share a Ride

Looking to hitch a ride with another Evergreener? Want to share your wheels to and from ATL to Athens (or somewhere else)? List your name here:

  1. Grant Johnson( Looking to/from Atlanta/Athens, AR Tues 14:27, DP Sun 24-May 2009 06:15
  2. Jackie Shieh, from ATL Hartsfield to/from Athens – AR Wed, 10AM ; DP Fri 5PM; Delta
  3. John Craig (email to first name at this domain: Room for one or 2 (w/ minimal luggage) in back seat of small car between ATL and Athens: AR ATL Tues 6:30 pm; DP ATL Fri 4:00 pm

Find a Roommate

Looking for a room to share? Looking for a roommate? List your names here!

  1. Name, Looking for…
conference/eg09/travel.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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