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Installing the SIP Server for Evergreen

Author: Bill Erickson
This is a rough intro to installing the SIP server for Evergreen.

Getting the code

$ cd /opt
$ sudo cvs login
# when prompted for the CVS password, just hit Enter (sudo password may be req'd)
$ sudo cvs -z3 co -P SIPServer

Configuring the Server

  1. $ sudo su opensrf
    $ cd /openils/conf
    $ cp oils_sip.xml.example oils_sip.xml
  2. Edit oils_sip.xml. Change the commented out <server-params> section to this:
  3. max_servers will directly correspond to the number of allowed SIP clients. Set the number accordingly, but bear in mind that too many connections can exhaust memory. On a 4G RAM/4 CPU server (that is also running evergreen), I would recommend not exceeding 100 SIP client connections, give or take.

Adding SIP users

  1. in the <accounts> section, add SIP client login information. Make sure that all <login>'s use the same institution attribute. All attributes in the <login> section will be used by the SIP client.
  2. In Evergreen, create a new profile group called SIP. This group should be a sub-group of Users (not Staff or Patrons). Set Editing Permission as "group_application.user.sip_client" and give the group the following permissions:

OR use SQL like:

INSERT INTO permission.grp_tree (id,name,parent,description,application_perm) 
VALUES (8, 'SIP', 1, 'SIP2 Client Systems', 'group_application.user.sip_client');

INSERT INTO permission.grp_perm_map (grp,perm,depth) 
VALUES (8,15,0),(8,16,0),(8,17,0),(8,31,0),(8,32,0),(8,48,0),(8,54,0),(8,75,0),(8,82,0);

  FROM permission.grp_perm_map JOIN permission.perm_list ON 
  WHERE grp=8;

Keep in mind that the id (8) may not necessarily be available on your system.

  1. For each account created in the <login> section of oils_sip.xml, create a user (via the staff client user editor) that has the same username and password and put that user into the SIP group.

Note: The expiration date will affect the SIP users' connection, you might want to make a note of this somewhere.

Running the server

$ sudo su opensrf
$ -d /openils/var/run -s /openils/conf/oils_sip.xml -a [start|stop|restart]_sip



It is useful to log SIP requests to a separate file especially during initial setup by modifying your syslog config file.

  1. Edit syslog.conf.
    $ sudo vi /etc/syslog.conf  # maybe /etc/rsyslog.conf
  2. Add this:
    local6.*                -/var/log/SIP_evergreen.log
  3. Syslog expects the logfile to exist so create the file.
    $ sudo touch /var/log/SIP_evergreen.log
  4. Restart sysklogd
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/sysklogd restart
  1. Edit logging config
    sudo vi /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf
  2. Add:
    # SIP2 for Evergreen
    filter    f_eg_sip { level(warn, err, crit) and facility(local6); };
    destination eg_sip { file("/var/log/SIP_evergreen.log"); };
    log { source(s_all); filter(f_eg_sip); destination(eg_sip); };
  3. Syslog-ng expects the logfile to exist so create the file.
    $ sudo touch /var/log/SIP_evergreen.log
  4. Restart syslog-ng
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart

Testing Your Connection

  • In the top level CVS checkout of the SIPServer code
$ cd SIPServer/t
  • Edit, change the $instid, $server, $username, and $password variables. This will be enough to test connectivity. To run all tests, you'll need to change all the variables in the Configuration section
$ PERL5LIB=../ perl 00sc_status.t
  • This should produce something like:
ok 1 - Invalid username
ok 2 - Invalid username
ok 3 - login
ok 4 - SC status
  • Don't be dismayed at "Invalid Username". That's just one of the many tests that are run.

More Testing

Once you have opened up either the SIP OR SIP2 ports to be accessible from outside you can do some testing via telnet. You can try this with localhost if you so wish, but we want to prove that SIP2 works from non-localhost. Replace $instid, $server, $barcode, $username, and $password variables below as necessary. Note: We are using 6001 here which is associated with SIP2 as per our configuration.

$ telnet $server 6001
Connected to $server.
Escape character is '^]'.

You should get back.


Now just copy in the following line (with variables replaced) you don't need to hit enter, just paste!

2300120080623    172148AO**$instid**|AA**$barcode**|AC$password|AD**$password**

You will get back the patron information for $barcode (something similar to the what's below).

24  Y           00120100113    170738AEFirstName MiddleName LastName|AA**$barcode**|BLY|CQY|BHUSD|BV0.00|AFOK|AO**$instid**|

The response declares it is a valid patron (BLY) with a valid password (CQY) and shows the user's $name.

evergreen-admin/sip.1273196086.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:33 (external edit)

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