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DIG Conference Meeting Agenda Ideas - Evergreen Conference 2013

  • AsciiDoc training - taught by Yamil (proposed by Yamil)
  • Election of DIG facilitator (proposed by Yamil)
  • Idea sharing (proposed by Yamil)

DIG Meeting Agenda Ideas - Evergreen Conference 2012


  • Current members
  • New people

What Does DIG Do?

  • Documentation outline

What Does DIG Need?

  • More Volunteers!!!
  • How to get involved

DIG Tools

  • GIT respository
  • ASCIIDoc

DIG general discussion and/or slit into working sub-groups

  • Vote for new facilitator
  • Discuss old and new DIG business
  • Work on new documentation or edit old documentation
evergreen-docs/dig_meeting.1360267568.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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