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DIG Meeting minutes, October 03, 2011, 2:30 EST


Karen Collier, Robert Soulliere, Yamil Suarez, Angela Kilsdonk, Tim Spindler, Alex Reczkowski, Chris Cormack, June Rayner, Dan Scott, gdunbar, Wolf Halton

Updates from Content Coordinators

  • Report from Yamil Boston, DIG Release Coordinator
  • Report from Robert Soulliere
    • Please review sections and see what you would like to contribute. We need to have people familiar with 2.0 and 2.1 to make notes regarding which sections can be ported directly from 2.0 with minimal changes.
    • Not sure if this was reported in last meeting… Jenny combined the Acquisitions content for into one unified chapter: A note was sent out on the DIG list before the last meeting.
    • In response to Dan's Question: "why the DIG git repo uses separate directories and filenames to diff between 1.6 and 2.0 rather than just using two branches…" That was my bad when I set it up a long time ago and was my first attempt at repository management.
    • I did wonder if documentation should should the same structure as code? I was worried about clean backporting from one version of the documentation so I decided on the safest option at the time – for me.
    • In fact, I was originally hoping to have the docs coupled with the code in the "docs" directory in the code repo.
    • Some discussion on this point between Dan Robert and Karen, leading to Dan and Robert agreeing to talk about how to best couple the docs and the code
    • Robert requested info about feature list for 2.1. GDunbar offered to help develop the list. Dan offered a slightly out of date changelog is at
  • Report from June Rayner, for System Admin
    • Got help from yboston and rsoulliere on git workflow
    • pushed a new document on adding report sources - this was a request from the reporting group
    • Looking for priorities for other system admin docs
    • Robert suggested circ policies might be critical… and the suggestion was seconded. E.g. going through the entire process from circ modifiers… etc. Some real-time examples would be great to give people some guidance. Especially for complex consortia I would imagine.
  • Request relayed by Karen: Kathy asked if there's anyone who would like to help coordinate the OPAC / Staff Tasks section.

Old Business

  • None

New Business

  • mrpeters-isl has started a crash course in customizing TTpac – thanks to dbs for the idea. This at least gets people in the right locations when making modifications to the default, or to create custom skins.
  • mrpeters-isl and Dan suggest including something like this in the 2.2 documentation

Next meeting will be on Monday, November 7., Freenode IRC network ( @ 2:30pm EST.

evergreen-docs/dig_meetings/20111003-minutes.1524597865.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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