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Facilitator: Yamil Suarez - Berklee College of Music, Jenny Turner - PALS, Robert Soulliere - Mohawk College, Kathy Lussier - MassLNC, Tim Spindler - CW/MARS, June Rayner - eiNetwork, Thomas Berezancky - MVLC, Sally Fortin - Equinox, Dan Scott - Laurentian University

For minutes, we might try Chat bot[]=meetbot. Kathy Lussier thinks Ben Shum put together this page. Taking minutes manually for now

Updates from Content Coordinators

Jenny Turner (Reports) A volunteer has stepped forward to look at the reports documentation and add a bit more. However, she's been busy over the past few months. Hoping to lead a discussion about reports documentsion during our interest group meeting at the conference.

Robert Soulliere (DocBook Style) For updating the outline, I have added a color/progress indicator reference to help guide folks when updating documentation status. See: Kathy Lussier (OPAC / Staff Tasks)

Tim Spindler (DIG Releases) Tspindler has sent me lots of documentation to be included in 2.2. and 2.1. Remember to use the outlines to indicate if you are currently working on documentation or if you are aware of existing documentaton. Point us to the existing docs. Thanks to all the folks who have been expanding the 2.2 outline! Tim Spindler: i have been looking a lot at acq and serials because its important to us, but it would be good if content coordinators could get existings docs upgraded for 2.2 Jenny Turner: I'm working on getting volunteers to test. Seems like most of our group isn't on 2.2 , so it's been slow going. Tim Spindler: I would encourage using one of the test servers out there if you don't have your own, I was using the Indiana one mrpeters set up Yamil Suarex: I want to have my laptop set up to run 2.2 during the conference so we can look at 2.2 while face to face I'm assuming we are still on content coordinators, but I have been trying to fill in the outline but I think it would be good if the coordinators could look closed at rsoulliere's outline

Yamil Suarez (DIG Releases) I have been learning ASCIIDoc with the help of my intern, and preparing to create an ASCIIDoc introduction presentation for the DIG meeting/hackfest

June Rayner (Administration / Development) I have some documentation that Lindsay Stratton at Pioneer Library System sent in response to my query about circulation rule. But I have not had time to work on editing it yet. Hoping to catch up on some documentation at the conference.

Kathy Lussier (OPAC / Staff Tasks) As Robert Souilliere mentioned, Tim Spindler has done a lot with end-user documentation. I also did a review of staff client docs, most of which could be moved up.

I'll need to convert some of those staff client docs into asciidoc so that they can be moved to 2.2 Sally Fortin just announced today that she has released some docs for ESI developemnt.

I would like to take a look at them before moving them to the official docs. I'm assuming something like this - - just needs to be incorporated in the staff client docs while some of the other docs can have their own section. kmlussier: And I'll definitely follow up on tspindler's suggestion to do some further work on the 2.2 outline.

Old Business

I. Compatibility List Interest in starting an official and actively maintained list of things (software, hardware, etc.) compatible with EG? Policy for managing the list? Jason sent an email out:

Jenny Turner: I like the idea…there is something like it here:, but I don't know that it is "actively maintained" The survey is not actively maintains - it's about 2 years old.

Kathy Lussier: Start and new survey and send out reminders on a regular basis. Looking for a good place to put it on the web site. The old survey was under FAQs.

Yamil Suarez: Looking for DIG to recap the raw form data and create a basic report to be added as an appendix to each new version of docs we put out.

June Rayner: Will do proposal to cover the following: where to put a survey on the web site, how to publicize it, guidelines on what info to collect, and someone to prepare a report.

DIG Meeting Agenda see DIG Meeting is from 1 - 2:30 on Wednesday

Yamil Suarez: I will be facilitating the meeting, and I wondered if I focus more on welcome new people or working on ongoing DIG topics, or both? I will take into consideration if the meeting is only attended by veteran DIG members, that I can focus more on our current topics, but if we have a large number of non-DIG members I can focus more on recruiting.

Kathy Lussier: I would prefer to see more documentors to content coordinators. But any additional volunteers will be appreciated!

Jenny Turner: : there is a general hackfest and a doc interest group

Kathy Lussier: Yeah, I know the general hackfest is for the developers. But I also thought we were setting aside time to work on documentation.

Tim Spindler: it might be good to have the ascii docs presentation before the voluntters on the agenda. 1. intro, 2. what does dig do, 3. ascii docs 4. volunteers

Robert Soulliere: My hope would be a general meeting/intro and then break into groups of interest. Newbies can join smaller groups (mentoring opportunity) 5. Small Groups / Mentoring / Documenting Have content coordinators lead the multiple groups.

DIG Hackfest Goals a.

Kathy Lussier: In addition to thinking about new documentation, we also need to manually convert all of the existing docs to asciidoc. Is that right? Yamil Suarez: stepping back, I suspect our conference goals should be get new volunteers, introduce ASCIIDoc to all, and try to work face to face on documentation???

Dan Scott, Laurentian, just posted a long-delayed response to rsoulliere's question about release notes & readme & upgrade doc single-sourcing at

Sally Fortin: The link to the asciidoc and html formats of the 2.2 documentation that I posted earlier is:

New Business

I. Discuss what DIG thinks the role of the DIG release coordinator should be (Proposed by Tim Spindler) Hold until next meeting - out of time.

Next Meeting

Thursday, May 3, 2:00 PM EST.

evergreen-docs/dig_meetings/20120405-minutes.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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