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  1. Bugs! Bring bugs that you wish to get some heat added to
  2. Open Agenda: bring projects you wish to share or get feedback on.


Notes: Bugs attendees identified as needing heat Reports:


Notes: * Allow for Org Unit specific templates similar to the Server Print Templates * Client side interface to allow for editing



  • Use cases-permission group needs additional set up, and it’s not the item that is the issue.
  • More info in general about the error messages
  • Hold Error Message Order needs work: Problem: hdata.hold_failed_event is returning ITEM_AGE_PROTECTED
  • So it's not even getting far enough down to get to EVENT_MSG_MAP
  • Need to look at line 1931 -> What is in $hdata and in $result?
  • Line 1949 -> is last_event only picking the final failure reason?


Release Team targeted bugs:

evergreen-eag/meetings/2024-08-20.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/26 09:24 by edavis

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