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Evergreen Proposed Development Projects

Community members are invited to add the following development projects here:

  • Projects for which you are actively seeking funding partners.
  • Projects for which your organization is seeking quotes.

Please also consider sending a message to the Evergreen general list after adding a project.

If you want to add an enhancement request for Evergreen and are not committed to funding it, please submit the request on Launchpad.

Projects should be removed from this page in either of the following cases:

  • The specs and/or code has been added to Launchpad
  • The organization is no longer considering sponsorship of the project.

Projects in Need of Development Partners

Activity Metric For Relevance Ranking

Sponsoring organization: MassLNC

Contact: Kathy Lussier, or kmlussier in IRC

More information: This project will add an activity (popularity) metric to be used in the relevance ranking algorithm for Evergreen search results. The goal is for titles that have more activity to rank a little more highly in search results, similar to the way Google and Amazon use popularity in ranking search results. Initial project requirements are available at MassLNC has received a proposal from Equinox Software to perform this work and will share this proposal with interested partners.

Projects Actively Seeking or Soon to Seek Quotes

Warning Prompt When Deleting Last Potential Copy That Can Fill a Hold

Brief description: This development project will fix the bug identified at (Deleting parts breaks holds interfaces) and will also improve the way Evergreen responds when deleting the last potential copy that can fill a hold, whether it is a copy, parts, volume, or title hold.

Sponsoring organization: MassLNC

Status: Seeking quotes from potential contractors

More information:

Approval process for EDI Invoices

Brief description: Create an interface that listed invoices awaiting approval by the vendor invoice number, (the number printed on the paper invoice). The user then selects invoices to approve which changes the appropriate lineitems from an encumbered amount to a debited amount.

Sponsoring organization: C/W MARS

Contact: Tim Spindler,

Status: Seeking quotes from potential contractors

More information:

Ability to create and edit item templates without having to be in an actual item record

Brief description: Copy templates can currently be managed at “Admin < Local Admin < Item Attribute Editor” but it does not include any of the details for the volume: classification scheme, prefix, call number text, and suffix. The call number text would allow for quickly adding specific details. For instance, if there was “Local History” in the call number text the cataloger could add “-Melville” to quickly create a call number such as “Local History-Melville”.

Sponsoring organization: C/W MARS

Contact: Tim Spindler,

Status: Seeking quotes from potential contractors

More information:

When aborting a transit, copies should not automatically get "Reshelving" status

Brief description: If a transit on a copy is aborted at a library other than the owner of the copy, it is better if the copy were to retain an in-transit status with the transit source being the library at which the abort transit was performed. The destination library could be the item's home library, or the pickup library for the next hold.

Sponsoring organization: C/W MARS

Contact: Tim Spindler,

Status: Seeking quotes from potential contractors

More information:

Select multiple records to add to a list (or bucket)

Brief description: Provide a method for selecting multiple records in a search result to place in a bucket without viewing each record individually. This functionality would also be made available in the public library catalog. This idea was developed out of an expectation to facilitate simpler merging of bib records.

Sponsoring organization: C/W MARS

Contact: Tim Spindler,

Status: Seeking quotes from potential contractors

More information:

feature/proposed_development_projects.1418753314.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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© 2008-2022 GPLS and others. Evergreen is open source software, freely licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later.
The Evergreen Project is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization.