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Now that the services have been started, there are a couple more steps involved in having a working OPAC.

Generating OrgTree.js, fmcore.js, fmall.js,

There are a couple of automatically generated Javascript files that must be copied over into the WEBDIR/opac/common/js/ and WEBDIR/opac/extras/slimpac/ directories. You will find a file called in the BINDIR directory. Make sure the JSDIR and SLIMPACDIR are set up correctly at the top of They should point to WEBDIR/opac/common/js/ and WEBDIR/opac/extras/slimpac/, respectively. If so, and the system is correctly running, then running the following commands will generate these files for you (assuming your Evergreen install directory is /openils/ and your bootstrap configuration file is /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml):

$ cd /openils/bin
$ ./ /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml
finalizing_the_opac_installation.1183431764.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:33 (external edit)

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