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Awesome Box integration with Evergreen

Mentors: Jason Stephenson, Galen Charlton

In this project, we aim to make Evergreen more interpretive of the users' current preferences, using Awesome Box ( ). It involves modifying check-ins to allow the users to tag books as 'awesome'. As more and more people add awesome tags, we can tell what books are preferred more by the users.

So, in a way, it is like adding a "What's Awesome" section to the library. And as a part of Evergreen, it will look like the following - A checkin modifier in the UI for Awesome box in the UI so that the "awesome" items can be shared automatically with the awesome box site, a scrolling panel on the web client that shows the recently "awesome" tagged copies with cover art and an RSS feed that shows the books that have gained the maximum Awesome points.

history/opw/awesome-box.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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