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The Enhanced Concerto data set was developed through a collaborative effort in the Evergreen Community. The purpose of the enhanced data set is to provide a richer data environment for ease of testing and evaluation of the Evergreen open-source ILS.

Notable features include a larger organizational structure with more information for library systems, branches, and sub-units, more user types, as well as expanded data related to acquisitions, serials, statistical categories, and more. The enhanced set also includes circulation modifiers - a connector between the many ILS system policies.

Enhanced Concerto Data Set

A comprehensive description of the Enhanced Concerto dataset shall be forthcoming. In the meantime, the planning document is available here.

Organizational Structure

Evergreen ILS uses the concept of organizational units to describe institutional relationships. "Ancestor/descendent" and "parent/child" terminology as well as "organizational" or "org unit" depth are part of the vernacular in documentation and interfaces.

The Enhanced Concerto data set includes a consortium environment, sometimes referred to as the org tree, with one consortium (depth 0), six systems (depth 1), 12 branches (depth 2), 3 sub-libraries (depth 3), and 1 bookmobile (depth 3).

To access Evergreen ILS, a workstation must be registered. With both Concerto and Enhanced Concerto data sets, you can use the username admin and password demo123 to log-in initially and register a workstation (view instructions).

Based on your evaluation and/or testing needs, the Enhanced Concerto Org Unit Table may be useful in determining at which organizational unit a workstation should be registered.




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qa/enhanced_concerto.1719499046.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/27 10:37 by rfrasur

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