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Ways to Brush Up Your Search

Apostrophe Searching

The problem: Evergreen uses a modified NACO normalization scheme to better handle apostrophe searching for French records. The problem is that this normalization scheme doesn't work as well for English records as pure NACO normalization does. It also sometimes relies on stemming to find the correct search term, which causes problems for sites that disabled stemming

Who should consider this tweak: Evergreen sites with a database the mostly contain English-language records and that are okay with search behavior where a search for a French word like 'histoire' will not retrieve records with l'histoire. There may be other multi-lingual implications for making this tweak. Sites with mostly English records that have also disabled stemming should strongly consider this tweak.

How To:

Add mappings to NACO Normalize for all indexes that are currently mapped to the default Search Normalize function.

UPDATE config.metabib_field_index_norm_map a
SET norm = 1
FROM (SELECT norm FROM config.metabib_field_index_norm_map) AS subquery
WHERE subquery.norm = 17 AND =;

A full reingest is required after making this adjustment.

scratchpad/brush_up_search.1463163712.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:33 (external edit)

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