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Evergreen Web Team Meeting Notes

December 15, 2010


1. There was no significant feedback to Kathy's email to the general list asking for suggestions to the Personas/Stories page.

Action Items

1. Lori will send links to the Goals/Requirements (2nd draft) page and the Personas/Stories (1st draft) page to the Governance List and the Communications list, asking them to provide feedback by the first week of January.

2. Kathy will send two emails to the general list - a) an email including the body of the goals/requirements, positioning them as approved by community consensus or similar language. b) - an email including the body of the personas/stories, asking for community feedback by the first week of January.

3. The rest of the team should, before the 1/5 meeting, review the draft surveys and community input notes from earlier this fall here: Community Input, Feedback, and Surveys page.

Next meeting

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010 - 0930 PST / 1130 CST / 1230 EST

webteam/meetings/notes/2010-12-15.1300482343.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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