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Attending: John, June, Jim, Kathy, Roni, Amy, Steve, Kate ** Importance of "Creation of formal website team" recommendation * Who can change/edit? Authority? * Promote people changing/editing/adding content * Who is vetting changes? Little technical errors get fixed via wiki/commenting mechanisms. Big changes are arrived at via Web Team consensus with community input where appropriate. * Going forward: loosey-goosey or formal team? Formal team is requirement for the Big changes (implementing centralized platform) but policies/efforts can be formalized * Count the changes Anoop made based on input from the Existing Site Improvement Committee as a big success for our efforts! * Oversight Board? Governance Committee? Answer: oversight entities are deliberately going hands-off so don't expect top-down strategy. * Hackfest at annual conference -- Web team spends the year figuring out what could be done by a team in a concerted effort at an annual Website Hackfest and what stuff they can just do as small chunks throughout the year themselves. * Management spectrum: gatekeepers vs. cheerleaders/facilitators *** Homework: write a 1-4 paragraph narrative of what you see the Web Team's structure, processes/policies, and activities look like going forward. Submit this to the Web Team list for discussion and comment on everyone else's narrative so that a rough consensus is arrived at before our next meeting. *** Next meeting (tentative pending Anoop's ability to attend) is Thursday, September 15th, same time (1100pdt / 1200mdt / 1300cdt / 1400edt).

webteam/meetings/notes/2011-09-01.1314904257.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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