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Appendix A. Community Survey

1. Please give an indication of where you are with Evergreen.

* Skeptic - explicitly unsure of open source development methodology, support models, open source ILS in general, or Evergreen specifically * Potential User - Evaluating or considering moving to Evergreen * Planned Migration - Planning a migration to Evergreen * Migration - Migration in Progress to Evergreen * Production - Currently have production Evergreen systems * Multiple - I work with more than one type of system

2. Is your current or potential Evergreen instance a

* Standalone system with a single library used by a single library organization * Standalone system used by a single multi branch library * Consortium with multiple library organizations on the same Evergreen instance * Statewide consortium * Other (please describe)

3. Is your library a

* Public Library * School (K - 12) * College or University Affiliate * Other Institution

4. What roles do you play on your Evergreen project? (check all that apply)

* Install and Maintain Evergreen * Administer Evergreen system settings * Support Evergreen End Users * Develop Evergreen * Extend Evergreen by integrating with other products * Train Evergreen End Users * Train Evergreen System Administrators * Document Evergreen processes * Translate Evergreen client and documentation into other languages * Make Evergreen software, documentation and web site acessible to as many users as possible. * Provide Evergreen related services to one or more organizations * Manage Evergreen related projects * Other (please describe)

5. Do you participate in any of the following Evergreen related lists (check all that apply)

* General Discussion List * Documentation Discussion List * Technical Discussion List * Evergreen SVN Commit List * OpenSRF SVN Commit List * Evergreen IRC

6. Have you ever contributed to

* Yes * No

7. If yes, what type of content?

8. If no, why not?

9. Which areas of do you most frequently access (check all that apply)?

* About Us * FAQs * Official Documentation * Process Documentation * Informal Documentation (Wiki) * Mailing Lists * Chat * Calendar * Official Blog * Community Blogs (Planet Evergreen) * Committees and Working Groups * Report Bugs (Launchpad) * Develop Code (code repositories) * Downloads * Search * Any comments?

10. What is easy to find on

11. Is there anything you're looking for that you couldn't find? What was it?

12. What do you feel is important content for the site? (Respondents were asked to rank each suggested feature as: Very Important, Important, Nice to Have, Extraneous)

* How to access the IRC * How to sign up for Evergreen related mailing lists * Evergreen News and developments * Categorized collection of Evergreen-related resources * Evergreen Service Providers * Evergreen libraries * Individuals in the Evergreen Community * Individuals willing to be contacted about Evergreen related topics (i.e. new users, documentation, system administration) * Information about where to go for assistance * A form to submit questions which is emailed to Evergreen community members/mentors for answering * A one-pager offering a high-level overview of both Evergreen software and the Evergreen community * A guided introduction to Evergreen resources for those considering Evergreen. * Links to a demo “sandbox” implementation of Evergreen * A form requesting an organization be added to the list of Evergreen service providers. * Information on Evergreen software repositories and how to use them * Downloadable test MARC, copy, and user data * Links to on-site and off-site (Launchpad) discussion, specs, or documentation describing features * Links to Documentation Interest Group (DIG) maintained information on how to build, rebuild, and update Evergreen * Links to on-site and off-site information, discussion, and examples of ways to configure Evergreen * General information about open source software * Differences between Evergreen and Koha * Case studies of successful Evergreen migration and implementation projects * Procedures on submitting code to the the community * Documentation and tutorials on Evergreen system architecture * Information about working groups and committees describing people, organizations, teams, and processes involved * Information about Evergreen development projects and future enhancements. * Other (please describe)

13. How important do you consider the following functions on the site? (Respondents were asked to rank each suggested feature as: Very Important, Important, Nice to Have, Extraneous)

* Browse through all website content, organized by categories * Search all content on the website * Search for Evergreen user organization based on certain criteria * Search for service providers based on certain criteria * Search for individuals based on certain criteria * Add resources, including file attachments and/or third-party URLs, to an online resource directory available to other users * Participate in online forums based on specific Evergreen related topics (i.e. System Administration, Migration, Training) * Brainstorm and discuss Evergreen features in a "feature percolator” before optionally submitting to the official Launchpad system * Report a Bug in Launchpad * Maintain official project documentation in a repository apart from the community Evergreen resource/contribution library * Webmasters can easily manage and update the website, including the ability to delegate permissions to other users * Webmasters can easily identify and purge outdated content * Authorized users can easily add and update content * Authorized users can easily generate a report of individual or organizational profiles. * Evergreen Feature Lookup * Evergreen Development and Enhancement project lookup * Other (please specify)

webteam/webplan/2011/appa_survey.1302225208.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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© 2008-2022 GPLS and others. Evergreen is open source software, freely licensed under GNU GPLv2 or later.
The Evergreen Project is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization.