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IRC developer meeting for November 2, 2010 - Minutes

  • Date: 2010-11-02
  • Time: 11:00 to 11:45 EST

Meeting started by Dan Scott (dbs) at 11:00 AM EST

  1. Introductions
    1. John Craig (agjohn) suggested to encourage IRC attendees to fill out the Who's Who page.
    2. Introductions were made as people entered or began speaking.
  2. Review Action Items From Previous Meeting
    1. Deprecation of Circulation Scripts in Favor of In-Database Circulation
      1. Mike Rylander (eeevil) reiterated that deprecation does not mean removal; all functionality retained with best effort to support new features.
      2. Jeff Godin (jeff) asked whether deprecation would mean no enhancements would be accepted to circ script infrastructure. Galen Charlton (gmcharlt) replied that it would be unlikely for new changes to be adopted unless they worked with both circ script and in-db.
      3. Jason Stephenson (Dyrcona) proposed deprecating and setting a milestone to remove circ scripts in 3.0.
      4. Jason Etheridge (phasefx) mentioned Bill Erickson's (berick) suggestion not to remove until a script fallthrough exists alongside indb
      • ACTION ITEM: Mike Rylander to move further discussion of circ scripts to mailing lists
    2. Commit MVLC hard-due-date patch to 1.6, 2.0, trunk
      1. Mike Rylander confirmed this is in.
    3. Killing off maintenance for 1.6.0 when 1.6.2 is released, with discussion about whether 1.6.2 and 1.6.1 should co-exist
      1. Mike Rylander to cut as the last version of 1.6.0.x series.
      2. Dan Scott noted that this has yet to be taken to the mailing list for discussion.
      3. Mike Rylander suggested that this subject is tabled until exists.
      • ACTION ITEM: Mike Rylander to move further discussion of 1.6 release support to mailing list
  3. KCLS code integration status
    1. Bill Erickson confirmed that all code other than the opac skin is in the repository.
    • ACTION ITEM: Bill Erickson to follow up with KCLS on their opac skin code
    1. Jeff Godin inquired about the KCLS/SITKA "mobile opac" code.
    • ACTION ITEM: Dan Scott to follow up with SITKA folk on mobile opac
  4. Evergreen 2.0 Beta?
    1. Dan Scott linked to the bug list on Launchpad
    2. Mike Rylander indicated his preference to cut a new beta on a scheduled basis at least weekly (faster if possible).
    3. Galen Charlton mentioned that one of the best things people can do to help speed the beta process is to aggressively test Acquisitions. Also noted that he did not foresee any schema changes for Acquisitions excepted for stored procedure fixes.
    4. Dan Scott requested if there was any Acquisitions documentation with example workflows to follow for testing.
    5. John Craig had some thoughts about how patches/functional additions are made to trunk and indicated that he will put something to the mailing list to describe this in more detail.
    6. Repke de Vries (Repke) asked about Serials Management & Documentation to do serious testing. Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley (senator) responded that he was meeting with Sally Fortin and hoped to see some documentation arise from that. Dan Wells (dbwells) also mentioned that they are to transition to live data and may have something soon.
    • ACTION ITEM: Sharing about new serials information
  5. OpenSRF next major release
    1. Bill Erickson volunteers to help with python bits, merging, patches, etc.
    2. Jeff Godin & Galen Charlton provided link and information to Debian packaging effort
    • ACTION ITEM: Check status of OpenSRF's next major release
  6. Schedule next meeting
    1. Dan Scott suggests two weeks, making the next meeting Tuesday, 16 November. In consideration of including those on the West Coast time, it was suggested to push back the meeting to 12 noon (EST).
    2. Vote taken resulted in mixed results.
    3. Resolution made to set the next meeting date as Tuesday, 16 November, with time to be determined on the mailing list.

Meeting adjourned by Dan Scott at 11:39 AM EST

  • Post-meeting: Dan Scott requested volunteer to summarize meeting with action items. Ben Shum volunteers.
dev/meetings/2010-11/minutes.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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