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Developer meeting: June 21, 2011

Meeting takes place on IRC on the #evergreen channel on Freenode. See the Calendar for specific dates and times.

Held at

  • 09:00:00 a.m. Tuesday June 21, 2011 in America/Los_Angeles
  • 12:00:00 p.m. Tuesday June 21, 2011 in Canada/Eastern
  • 16:00:00 Tuesday June 21, 2011 in UTC

Last meeting: 2011-06-07

Logs and minutes

  • Minutes will be supplied in this document after the meeting finishes.

Prior to the meeting

  • Please fill out Who's who if you want to be identified more readily in the future


  1. Determine the taker of minutes: bshum (Ben Shum)
  2. Determine meeting leader: dbs (Dan Scott)
  3. Review action items
    1. eeevil to post release process using git somewhere
    2. gmcharlt to write up some ideas on improving git use and releases
      • STATUS: Still in process, deferred to next.
    3. gmcharlt / tsbere to convert Syrup ILS-contrib to git
      • STATUS: Done.
    4. dbs will poke gfawcett to send in his pubkey to
      • STATUS: Done, gfawcett is pub-keyed in
    5. berick will work with bshum to tackle both bugs: LP 731516 and LP 731521
      • STATUS: Looks good, 731516 committed, bshum will test 731521 again.
      • ACTION ITEM: bshum to test 731521 again.
    6. gmcharlt working on: LP 740320 and LP 520175 ( related work )
      • STATUS: Still in process, deferred to next.
    7. jamesrf needs to publish it somewhere and dbs will review once that it is available: LP 780665 (spine labels assume LC)
      • STATUS: Unknown.
      • ACTION ITEM: dbs to poke jamesrf via email
    8. berick will review dbs's OpenLibrary AC rewrite for 2.1 before rc.
      • STATUS: Done.
    9. Barring any critical blockers, eeevil is welcome to roll 2.1-rc at his leisure hopefully early next week.
      • STATUS: Done.
    10. phasefx to review LP 790639
      • STATUS: Done.
    11. gmcharlt to review LP 787162, LP 758945
      • STATUS: Still in process, deferred to next.
    12. dbs will create separate branches for 2.0/2.1 that focus just on unnest() - LP 789747
      • STATUS: Done, fix committed.
    13. bshum will complete another test of the patch in LP 790916
      • STATUS: Patch committed, bshum did not comment yet, but tests seems successful.
    14. gmcharlt suggested that we have a pullrequests review meeting opposite to dev meetings (to be added to mailing list for discussion)
      • STATUS: Still in process, deferred to next.
    15. moodaepo will update website with the recommendation.
      • STATUS: Done.
  4. Notice: Conifer is holding TT OPAC development days @ University of Windsor, June 27-29th. If you hack on the TT OPAC and want to join us, get in touch with Dan Scott.

Patch review queue

We don't want to let submitted patches rot, here's a list of bugs with attached patches

Also a list of bugs with "pullrequest" tags that may also contain patches

Additional Notes

  • New link suggested by eeevil to review "pullrequest" bug tickets here
  • Suggestion made to include direct link to git repo when using a "pullrequest" tag on LP.
  • ACTION ITEM: phasefx will take an action for making a custom git command to spit out the invocation for checking out a specific branch from a specific repository

Evergreen release statuses

  1. Evergreen release status:
    1. 1.6.1.x (current release =
      1. Bugs targeted to
    2. 2.0.x (current release = 2.0.6)
      1. Bugs targeted to 2.0.7
    3. 2.1.x (current release = 2.1-rc1)
      1. Status check

Next meeting

dev/meetings/2011-06-21.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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