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Reports Taskforce Meeting, July 13, 2011


Present: Jenny Turner (PALS), Ben Shum (Bibliomation), Jeff Godin (Traverse Area District Library), Christina Trotter (GPLS), Chris Sharp (GPLS), Shauna Borger (Indiana State Library), Amy Terlaga (Bibliomation)

**1. Introductions and Volunteer for Minutes**

Amy volunteered to take the minutes of the meeting. The agenda can be found here

2. Review and Approval of the June Meeting minutes

The June meeting minutes were approved. The minutes from the June meeting can be found here

3. Old Business and Updates

I. Pines/GPLS Reports RFP

*Jenny reminded the group of what Christina shared at the June meeting - Christina also shared with the group the link to the main page of the RFP:

*Chris Sharp explained that it is their intent to partner with the Evergreen community (including this group) so GPLS' contractors are developing a solution for as many Evergreen-using sites as possible. He also shared a link with the group to their wish list document regarding reports. This document is not connected to their RFP -

II. Documentation

  • Jenny reminded everyone to review what's there and send any new documentation to her.

III. Third Party Reporting Tools

  • Jeff Godin explained his work with Jaspersoft. Toward a goal of having more polished, automated, on-demand reporting, he's been working with tools from Jaspersoft – currently focusing on their Community Edition offerings, which are open source. Jeff reported that so far, it's going well. He's been creating templates which are then available for staff to run via a web interface, and can also be scheduled, export to PDF, etc. The report templates allow for what we've traditionally done as manual post-processing – totals, etc. Current plan is to get a public demo up, along with the reporting templates in a git repo. Jeff reported that he was using iReport for template design, and JasperReports Server for the actual running of reports and self-service interface. Both iReport and JasperServer connect to postgres over a JDBC driver (one for Postgres is included). Reports are done against live data (a reporting replica of the database). Jeff ended by letting the group know that more write-up and public demo are coming soon – Jeff is lookiing forward to working with anyone else who is interested.
  • Ben Shum also reported that he's planning to update all of his notes on the wiki about automated SQL report scripting. He learned and adapted a bunch of new ideas there this past month when Bibliomation ran them for the second time. He'll put a new link together under the evergreen-reports area of the wiki: He'll be appending a new section about monthly scripting that he did there. Jenny would like him to let us know when this is ready for the official documentation.

IV. Anything else from past meetings?

  • The group had nothing to report.

4. New Business

I. Evergreen Taskforce Activities: volunteers to review/write Jenny pointed the group to the taskforce goals and activities page and asked for volunteers to review goals and come up with wording for activities. The group brainstormed for a bit and Amy volunteered to update the page.

II. IRC Meeting Review: format for next meeting?

  • Jenny asked the group if IRC is the preferred method for meeting and the consensus was yes. The next meeting is Wednesday, August 10th, 2:30pm EST.

III. Other New Business

  • There was no new business to report.
evergreen-reports/meetings/2011-07-13.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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