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evergreen-user:glossary_of_terms_and_paths [2007/05/14 14:56] kgregoryevergreen-user:glossary_of_terms_and_paths [2022/02/10 13:34] (current) – external edit
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 +**Glossary of Terms**
 +Barcode – user’s account barcode
 +Circ ID – a computer generated ID on a circulation to be used for counts of circulations.  
 +Circulation Duration – rule on the number of days a circulation modifier allows for checkout such as book checking out for 14 days
 +Circulation Type – type of circulation whether a checkout or a renewal
 +Count vs Count Distinct - 
 +Desk Renewal
 +Dewey Block--Hundreds
 +Dewey Range--Tens
 +Fine Interval
 +Fine Stop Reason – reason for fines being stopped such as claims returned, lost, or longoverdue
 +IsActive? – used in such cases of filtering by an active user or inactive user
 +Organizational Unit ID – the library and is used when filtering by library and in conjunction with “In List”
 +Recurring Fine Amount
 +User ID – a computer generated number given on a user allowing for a cound of number of users
 +**Template Terms**
 +Sources – the template type which is your focal point to select displays and filters
 +Field Name – the name of the field you wish to use for display or filtering
 +Field Transform – the way you want the field name to be group
 +Base Filters – the area where you determine what you want to filter 
 +Aggregate Filters – the area you determine what you want to filter by aggregate such as greater than or less than
 +**Template Sources or Types**
 +Payments: All - includes payments made via: Cash, Check, Credit Card, Credit, Forgive, Goods, Work
 +Payments: Brick and Mortar - in the future, will exclude online payment methods. currently the same as Payments: All
 +Payments: Desk - "real" money, usually has some physical item in a cash drawer. includes payments made via: Cash, Check, or Credit Card
 +Payments: Non-drawer Staff – payments made via methods that don't typically involve some paper in a drawer. includes payments made via: Credit, Forgive, Goods, or Work
 +**Paths to Frequently Used Selections**
 +Library Name for Display = ILS User -> Home Library -> Short (Policy) Name
 +Title of Item = Bib records->simple records extract->Title proper (normalized)
evergreen-user/glossary_of_terms_and_paths.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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