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dev:meetings:2011-03-01 [2011/02/28 10:14] – created dbsdev:meetings:2011-03-01 [2022/02/10 13:34] (current) – external edit
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 +====== Developer meeting: March 1, 2011 ======
 +Held at
 +  * 09:00:00 a.m. Tuesday March 1, 2011 in America/Los_Angeles
 +  * 12:00:00 p.m. Tuesday March 1, 2011 in Canada/Eastern
 +  * 04:00:00 p.m. Tuesday March 1, 2011 in UTC
 +Last meeting: [[dev:meetings:2011-02-08|2011-02-08]]
 +===== Agenda =====
 +Meeting takes place on [[|IRC]] on the #evergreen channel on Freenode. See the [[|Calendar]] for specific dates and times.
 +===== Logs and minutes =====
 +  * [[|IRC logs]]
 +  * Minutes will be supplied in this document after the meeting finishes
 +===== Prior to the meeting =====
 +  * Please fill out [[community:irc_channel|Who's who]] if you want to be identified more readily in the future
 +===== Agenda =====
 +  - Determine the taker of minutes: Ben Shum
 +  - Determine meeting leader: Dan Scott
 ===== OpenSRF 2.0.0 ===== ===== OpenSRF 2.0.0 =====
 Problem was observed with entering / retrieving patron names containing Unicode in Evergreen 2.0 on OpenSRF 1.6. Dan found a fix for the problem in OpenSRF 2.0 but there's a different problem with OpenSRF 1.6, thus a release candidate of 2.0.0 [[|has been released]]. Problem was observed with entering / retrieving patron names containing Unicode in Evergreen 2.0 on OpenSRF 1.6. Dan found a fix for the problem in OpenSRF 2.0 but there's a different problem with OpenSRF 1.6, thus a release candidate of 2.0.0 [[|has been released]].
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   * Determine why Unicode patron name entry / retrieval worked with previous versions of OpenSRF but is broken in current version   * Determine why Unicode patron name entry / retrieval worked with previous versions of OpenSRF but is broken in current version
   * Test OpenSRF 2.0.0 for stability and potential adoption   * Test OpenSRF 2.0.0 for stability and potential adoption
 +**ACTION ITEM**: Test OpenSRF 2.0.0 with Evergreen 2.0.2 for stability and potential adoption: Ben Shum (tbd), Jason Etheridge (, Bill Erickson (
 +===== PostgreSQL 9.0 support =====
 +[[|Bug 725809]] reports a problem upgrading from Evergreen 1.6 to 2.0 on a PostgreSQL 9.0 server.
 +Given that we largely didn't test or develop the Evergreen 2.0 upgrade script on PostgreSQL 9.0, are we supporting it for Evergreen 2.0?
 +If we do want to support PostgreSQL 9.0 for Evergreen 2.0, then does the path for support become running the 1.6-2.0.X script, where "X" is the iteration where all of the PostgreSQL 9.0 kinks are worked out?
 +If we don't want to support PostgreSQL 9.0 for Evergreen 2.0, then does the migration path from 1.6 to 2.1 become:
 +  * Upgrade database to 8.4 and upgrade EG 1.6 to 2.0
 +  * Upgrade database to 9.0 and upgrade EG 2.0 to 2.1
 +This seems a bit headache-y.
 +Discussed by developers:
 +  * Summary by Dan Scott: "If someone puts together a patch to update the upgrade script to support 9.0, as well as an accompanying 2.0.x-2.0.y patch, and it gets tested successfully, we would accept it for 2.0.  A nice-to-have document would be a list of development targets and expected minimum prereqs (e.g. 2.1 - develop against postgresql 9.0 minimum)."
 +  * Mike Rylander requests community testing for binary upgrade from 8.4 to 9.0 (via pg_upgrade)
 ===== Patch review queue ===== ===== Patch review queue =====
-We don't want to let submitted patches rot, here's a [[|list of bugs with attached patches]]:+We don't want to let submitted patches rot, here's a [[|list of bugs with attached patches]], some of which are listed below:
   * [[|Patron Registration Customization Overhaul]]   * [[|Patron Registration Customization Overhaul]]
   * [[|Permission Profile Filtering in Patron Search interface]]   * [[|Permission Profile Filtering in Patron Search interface]]
   * [[|Missing examples for "interval" settings in Library Settings Editor]]   * [[|Missing examples for "interval" settings in Library Settings Editor]]
 +Can we get committers to commit (hah) to reviewing and applying these patches (new features target 2.1 of course)?
 +  * **ACTION ITEM**: Dan Scott to apply 'Missing examples for "interval" settings' patch.
 +  * **ACTION ITEM**: Bill Erickson to review 'Patron Registration Customization Overhaul' and send thoughts to dev-list by Thursday March 3.
 +  * **ACTION ITEM**: Dan Scott to apply and test 'Permission Profile Filtering in Patron Search Interface'
 ===== Google Summer of Code application ===== ===== Google Summer of Code application =====
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   * Need to put together a solid application, with a list of potential ideas for student projects that would be helpful to Evergreen, ideally with a list of prerequisite knowledge and easy/medium/difficult ratings   * Need to put together a solid application, with a list of potential ideas for student projects that would be helpful to Evergreen, ideally with a list of prerequisite knowledge and easy/medium/difficult ratings
     * Even if our application is turned down, it provides a good refresh of the long-in-the-tooth software bounties page and offers an entry point for other potential developers     * Even if our application is turned down, it provides a good refresh of the long-in-the-tooth software bounties page and offers an entry point for other potential developers
-  * Deadline for applying: March 11, 2011; applications opened today+  * Deadline for applying: March 11, 2011; applications opened Feb. 28th 
 +  * Dan Scott, Galen Charlton, and Jason Etheridge to meet and discuss potential projects list and application by next Tuesday, March 8. 
 +===== Release statuses ===== 
 +  - Evergreen release status: 
 +    - 1.6.1.x (current release = 
 +      - Bugs targeted to [[|]] 
 +    - 2.0.x (current release = 2.0.2) 
 +      - Bugs targeted to [[|2.0.3]] 
 +    - 2.1 status 
 +      * Any target date yet? 
 +    - [[|Most recently reported bugs]] 
 +===== Next meeting ===== 
 +  * [[dev:meetings:2011-03-15|Tuesday, March 15th]] at 12:00 EST, 9:00 PST
dev/meetings/2011-03-01.1298906075.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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The Evergreen Project is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization.