This meeting will be held on the #evergreen channel on the Freenode IRC network ( beginning at 2pm EDT/ 11am PDT. Current and future DIG participants are encouraged to attend, and any interested members of the Evergreen Community are welcome as well.
This month's meeting will follow one of two new formats agreed upon at the May 2018 meeting in St. Charles, Missouri. The first half of the meeting will be devoted to conventional meeting session items while the second half will be devoted to one-on-one or small group work on the actual documentation.
For updates, notifications, and discussion please sign up for the Evergreen Documentation Discussion List.
Introductions: paste "#info <username> is <name> <affiliation>" to identify who you are and what organization, if any, you represent
Ongoing Business
Old Business
Previous action items (see below)
New Business
How do we handle the big change in 3.2 in terminology throughout the web client? Here's what the release notes say:
The term item is now consistently used to describe the barcoded entity that had been previously been called both an item and a copy. As a result, we now use the terms item buckets, item tags, and item alerts.
The term volume is no longer used in the client, with the exception of serials, where the term is used to describe serial volumes. The term call number will replace volume in most other places.
Holdings is a more general term used to describe a combination of items and call numbers.
The term Shelving Location is used consistently in favor of Copy Location.
One on one and small group collaboration on documentation