DIG Meeting Agenda and Minutes - July 11, 2024

This meeting will be held via videoconference beginning at 3 p.m. EDT/12 p.m. PDT. Current and future DIG participants are encouraged to attend, and any interested members of the Evergreen Community are welcome as well!

For updates, notifications, and discussions please sign up for the Evergreen Documentation Discussion List.

Connection Information: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84441505629?pwd=eXF1RFRUVXoyTjVxQjdvQk55WVRhdz09


  1. Remember to click "Record"!
  2. Introductions & Check-in
  3. Pet Show & Tell
  4. Announcements/Updates
    1. ?
  5. 3.13 documentation needs
  6. Anything else?
    1. Does anyone have documentation for what fields in a bib record are looked at when searching the catalog (e.g., searching by Title looks at 245 and 246)? Or know where to find that info? (Susan)
  7. Next meeting: Thursday, August 1

Minutes–in process

  1. 3.13
    1. Andrea will ask Jason B. to upgrade the Equinox community server to 3.13
    2. Accessibility documentation needs to be fleshed out
  2. Jane went over her work on Vale for checking style guide against docs
    1. alt text run–put in spreadsheet and we can tackle it together
    2. every couple of months, run a new pieced of the style guide
    3. do changes on github
    4. .
  3. idea for August meeting - take a page, make changes, submit–Who will do this?
  4. Listserv question from Jennifer P. re: Closed Dates Editor. If you don't process immediately via the interface, can you still run it? on the back end
  5. Next meeting Thursday, August 1