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Non-Cataloged Material Checkout

Enter non-cataloged items for checkout using the instructions below. Non-cataloged items are items without barcodes, such as paperback books, newspapers, magazines, computers, or other materials. To check out an item with a barcode, see Checkout.

Enter a non-cataloged item for checkout

Follow the instructions in Checkout, but enter non-cataloged items using the following steps:



:!: Non-cataloged items do not count toward checkout limits and are not checked back in using Evergreen. A due date for the item will print out on the patron receipt. The item will not show up within the patron's Items Out in the staff client. However, they will show up within the OPAC patron's My Account under Items Checked Out with a Please return by … due date. The item will then automatically be removed from their OPAC account the day after the due date.

:!: Local administration can add additional non-cataloged types. Please see the Non Cataloged Types documentation for details.