Table of Contents
Evergreen walk-through script
This script contributed by Dan Scott, Laurentian University, based on a presentation to the library in October 2007 - feel free to annotate, add to, or improve!
Intro: what's going on!
- Georgia PINES background
- Evergreen is born (Y2K, 2004 project green light, 2006 go-live)
- Community is growing
- Basic search:
- Relevance-ranked results
- ANDed by default
- Search syntax like Google [cats dogs] vs. [cats -dogs] vs. ["cats and dogs"]
- No stopwords: "To be or not to be", "it" on title
- Results:
- Facets (subjects, authors, series)
- Spell check (search for "zoup")
- Shelf browse
- Place hold (volume-level hold in catalogue, item holds currently only through staff client)
- Added content is supported
- Advanced search:
- Reorder search results
- Limit by form, type, language, audience
- Bookbags
- Shared (in catalogue or via RSS) or private use only
- No practical limit on number of bookbags or items in bookbaks
Administration interfaces
- Basic configuration interfaces
- Pretty Django interface
Staff client
- Log in / registration
- Offline mode
- Circulation
- Checkout / Discharge
- Patron registration
- Receipt printing
- Cataloging
- Z39.50 copy cataloging
- Manual adjustments to record
- New records from templates
- Basic authority support
- Reporting
- Walk through data relationships, transforms
- Basic graphing capabilities
- CSV / Excel output (no stupid field truncation / forced page headers!)
- Scheduler, email delivery
What's missing (from an academic library perspective)?
- A good bulk record import interface
- Authority maintenance interface
advocacy/evergreen_walk-through_script.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by