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Community meeting: September 23, 2011

Held at:

  • 11:00:00 a.m. Friday September 23, 2011 in America/Los_Angeles
  • 02:00:00 p.m. Friday September 23, 2011 in Canada/Eastern
  • 19:00:00 Friday September 23, 2011 in UTC

Last meeting's minutes: 2011-07-08


Prior to the meeting

  • Please fill out Who's who if you want to be identified more readily in the future

Agenda & Minutes

  1. Introductions / roll call; paste "/me is <name> <affiliation>" to identify who you are and what organization, if any, you represent
  2. Find a volunteers to:
    1. Run the meeting: ?
    2. Take minutes: ?
  3. Review action items from last meeting
  4. New Business:
    1. From the mailing list thread - discuss who and what for community test servers (note: especially SIP server request)
  5. Communications committee & Website Team report and discussion
  6. Conference committee
  7. Documentation Interest Group
  8. Reports Taskforce report
  9. Developer report
  10. Governance Committee report
  11. Schedule next meeting:
community/meetings/2011-09-23.1316024706.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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