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Design System Roadmap

Editorial Style Guide

DRAFT Google Doc

Guidelines for writing microcopy: the small bits of text in the user interface.

  • Page titles
  • Navigation menu items
  • Subheadings and tab titles
  • Table column headers
  • Form labels, instructions, and formatting hints
  • Success messages
  • Loading messages
  • Empty states ("nothing added yet", "no results found")
  • Buttons

Note that the Documentation Interest Group has a brief style guide in place.

UI Component Pattern Library

  • Buttons
  • Icons
  • Tables and grids
  • Tab sets
  • Multi-step processes
  • Cards
  • Trees
  • Modals, confirmations, and dialogs
  • Search forms
  • Edit forms
  • Progress bars
  • Banners and alerts
  • Date pickers
  • Pagination
  • Comboboxes and select lists

Page Templates

  • Record detail + related items
  • Introductory pages (splash screens)

Design Elements

  • Color
  • Typography
  • Spacing
  • Visual hierarchy
community/ui_ig/roadmap.1696876804.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/09 14:40 by scl

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