Table of Contents
It's Your Conference! Lead or Join a User-Led Activity
The Evergreen conference has a number of opportunities for you to make this YOUR conference! See the Evergreen conference schedule or if you have Google Calendar, try the new Evergreen calendar, which has all the conference events listed.
Note that there will be sign-up sheets at the conference itself. But if you would like to sign up here for one of the user-led activities but you don't have a wiki login, Just email our Events address.
Blog, Tweet, or otherwise Share the Conference
We've had excellent response in this area – at least one-third of all attendees are planning to blog, tweet, email, or otherwise share. We're making sure the conference center rooms have good "power to the people" – that is, electricity.
Lead or Join a Hackfest
Would you like to spend half a day or a full day working on a problem – a development issue, an Evergreen installation, learning XML for documentation, etc.? How about a half-hour one-on-one with a developer?
9-5 Wednesday, May 20 is dedicated to just that. Just sign up here. List what you're interested in working on and take it from there!
- Karen Schneider, Equinox Software, High-level Documentation Discussion and Docbook Demo, 1-4 p.m.
- Various Developers, Coding Hackfest (all day, room ready at 9 a.m.; for context, see Access 2002 hackfest description, Access 2006 podcast)
- Bill Erickson and Jason Etheridge, "Meet with a Developer" (scheduled appointments on 5/20 and 5/21–email if you want one)
- Don McMorris, Sysadmin Survival Skills (1-4 p.m. – this class is full) (Presentation Online)
Give a Lightning Talk
So you have an idea you want to share that isn't really a full program but would make a dynamic five-minute presentation. Give a lightning talk! We have nine slots in our program schedule.
Lightning Talks are 9:00 a.m., Friday, May 22.
List your name and topic here:
- Karen Schneider, Equinox Software: What's Up, Doc? Single-Source Documentation for Evergreen
Host or Join a Dine-Around
Both Wednesday, May 20 and Thursday, May 21 we are encouraging people to host or sign up for a dine-around. Athens has terrific restaurants in all price ranges. Join a group of people you've known forever… or a group you've never met! We'll have sign-up sheets at the conference (but feel free to note early interest here).
Lead or Join a Birds of a Feather Lunch Table
Thursday, May 21, 12-1:30 Our one scheduled, catered lunch is a relaxed event (no speechifying, no distractions) where we encourage people to group together on like issues – also known as Birds of a Feather sessions.
Here are some of the possible topics, based on the Evergreen conference survey – in descending order of interest (feel free to add more!):
- Migrations
- Evergreen in Consortia
- Training
- Custom Development
- Documentation (there is also a half-day discussion on documentation on 5/20)
- Starting an Evergreen User Group
- Starting an Evergreen Special Interest Group
- Starting an Evergreen Foundation
- Evergreen in Small Libraries
- Internationalization
- Telephony
- Reports
- System Administration
- What Would an Evergreen User Group Do? Volunteer Facilitator: Lori Ayre
Lead or Join a Breakfast Table Talk
What's the difference between a Birds of a Feather Lunch and a Breakfast Table Talk? Uh… we're not serving bagels at lunch? In any event, consider this another chance to commune with like-minded individuals while you dine. Feel free to list Table Talk topic ideas here (and note if you would be willing to lead the topic). Note: vendors are welcome to lead Table Talks!
See above, Birds of a Feather, for topics
- Grant Johnson - Evergreen Virtual Images; Building and maintaining standard and extended versions.
- Lori Ayre - What Would an Evergreen User Group Do? See above, let's do it at lunch….
Host or Join a Pub Crawl
Athens has terrific pubs and some excellent local beer. Expect a list of breweries shortly!
Lori Ayre - eagerly waiting on list…..IPA lovers tour?
Host or Join Something Fun to Do
Don't stop at the list above! You are coming to Athens at a lovely time of year. List an event or drive you'd like to do.