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2011 Evergreen International Conference Proposals

This temporary page contains title/description of program proposals for the 2011 Evergreen International Conference. This will be re-created as part of the conference website soon.

Note: submissions here are NOT final!

As of 1/12/11

Justifying and implementing RFID and Other Self Service Solutions for Libraries

  • More and more libraries are adopting self service solutions to offset budget challenges and maintain the level of service patrons are expecting. In this presentation, we will provide examples of how specific libraries were able to justify the investment for these types of products and the results they are seeing in terms of improvements in staff productivity and patron satisfaction. We will also demonstrate different technologies to familirize the audience with how they work ,and talk about the future of self service technologies.

Evergreen Coast to Coast:Open Source Library Systems

  • Evergreen has become a leading open source software system for consortia and multi-library systems. This program will examine the implementation of Evergreen systems in the U.S. by four different consortia and library systems.

Getting Involved in Evergreen Documentation

  • Explore ways to get involved in documentation. Intro to the DIG documentation repository on github and ways users with varying experience levels can participate in documentation. May also explore using and navigating existing Evergreen documentation.

Evergreen DIY

  • Discuss pros, cons, challenges, and procedures for anyone considering migrating to Evergreen completely or partially on there own. This will have a systems librarian / systems administrator perspective and will focus on required technical skills and resources for such an endeavor.

Xen virtualization and multi-brick enviornment experiences

  • Xen Virtualization and Evergreen multi-brick Enviornment experiences is a presentation documenting Evergreen Indiana's recent hardware upgrades including our decision to switch from VMWare to Xen virtualization, configuring a multiple Evergreen brick environment. Evergreen Indiana will provide a "show and tell" of our new setup along with our experiences along the way, and hopefully providing inspiration for future Evergreen installations. Includes hardware comparisons between our initial hardware setup versus today's along with the factors that prompted the need for upgrades, along with a tutorial on the tools available in the community for configuring and utilizing multiple bricks for redundancy and performance gains and considerations on where to run certain OpenSRF services, based on community recommendations and our experiences.

Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey: Successful Development and Implementation

  • Matt Carlson from KCLS and Grace Dunbar from Equinox will lead attendees through the planning and pitfalls of the software development process. They will deconstruct the process of creating and following through with an outsourced development project from both the client and vendor points of view. This session will cover the basics of identifying development needs, creating a scope of work, implementation, training, and, most importantly, keeping your eyes on the prize. The presentation will end with a recap of best practices and lessons learned from the recent development partnership between KCLS and Equinox.

Fine Calculations via PL/pgSQL: A Fine Generator Replacement

  • Having determined it was not possible to configure the exact fine calculation behavior desired, we created a PL/pgSQL function to replace the fine generater Perl program. This function is complex enough to illustrate many useful techniques in working with PL/pgSQL. The presentation describes the process of creating the fine generation function and describes how it could be extended to accommodate other requirements. The function is complex enough to illustrate many useful PL/pgSQL patterns and includes suggestions for coding style and formatting.

What we learned doing OpenSRF via Java

  • In creating a Java batch program to overlay & merge bibs, we discovered a number of important issues about the Java interface to OpenSRF (including some things to update) and about OpenSRF itself. Anyone interested in writing OpenSRF applications in Java could learn from our experience.

10% Wrong, 90% Done: A Practical Approach to Bibliographic De-duplication

  • Description: After the pilot libraries of SCLENDs merged their collections it became obvious that the initial bibliographic de-duplication algorithm was too strict for our needs. Manual cleanup was out of the question but we insisted upon higher quality. We decided to develop a new algorithm and take new risks. We also had to challenge the common wisdom that a few match points could not be generalizable to create a large number of accurate matches. This is what we did and how we've defined success.

Assembling The Pieces: How To Automate SQL-Generated Reports

  • Beginning with direct SQL queries to generate needed reports, the desire for automation quickly became obvious with the time consumed running reports manually. Learn how Bibliomation examined their needs for report automation and implemented automated daily and monthly SQL-generated reports for their Evergreen libraries.

Today’s the Day: Checklist for Migration Day

  • The morning of migration day is always stressful. Knowing what to do first can help discover issues early and eliminate others altogether. The presenter has been on-site for approximately 15 go-live days, and she will discuss what front-line staff and Evergreen consortium experts can do together to help the day run smoothly.

Stay Sane, Find Your Game: Handling Conflicts and Disputes

  • Ever wonder what it takes to handle a Hostage Negotiation? Come meet Eric Trogdon. Join this Mediator, Police SWAT Hostage Negotiator and Author in building your skills for handling conflicts and disputes during your professional and person life. Eric will identify surprisingly simple STEPS to control everyday conflicts, and how to work through difficult disputes. Participants will learn how conflicts and disputes grow, how to apply simple negotiation techniques, and be given tools to handled challenging public confrontations and volatile situations.

ILS Migration Project Manager's Jambalaya: 1 part library science, 1 part open source, and a whole lot more!

  • Project management for an ILS migration is a spicy mix of insanity and mayhem sprinkled with a little library schooling and topped with a delightful mix of training, configuration, and supporting legacy systems. Come hear project managers share their experiences getting staff buy-in, migrating libraries to Evergreen, navigating pitfalls along the way and - most importantly - keeping their sanity while juggling an ever expanding list of job duties and responsibilities.
conference/eg11/proposals.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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