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OpenSRF 2.0.0

Problem was observed with entering / retrieving patron names containing Unicode in Evergreen 2.0 on OpenSRF 1.6. Dan found a fix for the problem in OpenSRF 2.0 but there's a different problem with OpenSRF 1.6, thus a release candidate of 2.0.0 has been released.


  • Determine why Unicode patron name entry / retrieval worked with previous versions of OpenSRF but is broken in current version
  • Test OpenSRF 2.0.0 for stability and potential adoption

Patch review queue

Google Summer of Code application

  • We have willing mentors (phasefx, gmcharlt, dbs)
  • Need to put together a solid application, with a list of potential ideas for student projects that would be helpful to Evergreen, ideally with a list of prerequisite knowledge and easy/medium/difficult ratings
    • Even if our application is turned down, it provides a good refresh of the long-in-the-tooth software bounties page and offers an entry point for other potential developers
  • Deadline for applying: March 11, 2011; applications opened today
dev/meetings/2011-03-01.1298906075.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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